Peptides/AAS for tendon rupture recovery

Well I fucked up and need surgery now for a completely ruptured patellar tendon. I will have surgery pretty soon. I'm getting together a get well quick package and have a few things on the way already. I have been researching and know the usual suspects to include. Just wanted to see if there was any point in using the kitchen sink method. For dosages I will be using the high ranges with BPC157 and TB500. Prob around 1mg of each per day. HGH will start at 2IUs ed. Will go up if water retention isn't too bad.

What I have now or already on the way:
BPC157/TB500 combo
TB 500

What I'm prepared to buy/use if needed:
collagen powder
Deca/Bold cyp

I have been on BnC since last year in May. Was making really great progress until this happened but haven't stopped training what I can. Upon injury I dropped all compounds but test. I'm using a TRT dose currently and will keep that there until I can resume most gym activities.

The additional six items I listed were all found in other posts/articles about tendon injuries/healing. I'm not sure if any of them will work but I do already have the nand and var.

Should I use any of the other 6 items listed?
Hey, MM! Just wanted to say "Hey"! Its been a little while. Hope you can get what you need out of those products. There are some guys who will hopefully stop in who know a lot more than I do about the subject you broached. Be safe!
Hey, MM! Just wanted to say "Hey"! Its been a little while. Hope you can get what you need out of those products. There are some guys who will hopefully stop in who know a lot more than I do about the subject you broached. Be safe!
Yo BB whats up brother?! Long time no talk dude. I hope you've been well. I haven't been on the forums much lately. I got into some car hobbies recently and a lot of gym time. Man, shit was looking sweet until this. Legs are shrinking already. I'll be back tho for sure. Hopefully by December.

I hope the main three will help but willing to use others if needed lol. Funny too cause I was thinking about some stuff we talked about last time, just the other day.
i tore a calf muscle in February, but was already dealing with tendonitus in both elbows , lng story short i have been using tb frag and bpc for several months no real change until i upped my dose from 1 mg of each daily then i upped it to 2 mg daily finally landing on the 3 mg daily of each peptide and everything seems to be healing now , but i personally didn't see a change until i started a larger dose , and from personal experience "spot injections " did not help any better imo
I've never done it personally but I have heard that adding Anavar to the stack you already have can help with collagen synthesis. I'd throw some copper in there too.
i tore a calf muscle in February, but was already dealing with tendonitus in both elbows , lng story short i have been using tb frag and bpc for several months no real change until i upped my dose from 1 mg of each daily then i upped it to 2 mg daily finally landing on the 3 mg daily of each peptide and everything seems to be healing now , but i personally didn't see a change until i started a larger dose , and from personal experience "spot injections " did not help any better imo
Very interesting. I appreciate the info on your experience. This is exactly what I was looking for in the upper range and beyond of the two main peptides for healing. I will have enuf of both to run for several months at high doses. I was gauging my next purchase for extended use thru rehab and into training.

I also heard recently about the peptides being more systemic then originally thot. I'm very happy for that. I was listening to Fouad's podcast where he talked about injecting BPC157 directly into his tendon. Fuck that.
I did do "painful" injections into my inner elbow tendon and while i say they were painful in a sense of hard pressure going into the tendon, it was something i wont do again i tried for 2 months with ehh ? But since upping the dose and doing it subq with my hgh better overall imo i think upping the dose was the key factor
Very interesting. I appreciate the info on your experience. This is exactly what I was looking for in the upper range and beyond of the two main peptides for healing. I will have enuf of both to run for several months at high doses. I was gauging my next purchase for extended use thru rehab and into training.

I also heard recently about the peptides being more systemic then originally thot. I'm very happy for that. I was listening to Fouad's podcast where he talked about injecting BPC157 directly into his tendon. Fuck that.
I think your plan looks really good. I don't know much about GHK or epith though. TB BPC and GH are a great combo. As for dosing in GH I would ratchet that up towards 5 IU If you can afford it and it's tolerable. I know everyone responds differently to things but I find that BPC makes me feel wonky if I take it in the morning. I used to dose twice a day but now I just switch to pre-bed. Haven't seen others report this though.

Don't forget to focus on very sound nutrition that is low in or even better without items which are inflammatory like processed food, alcohol, etc. Prioritize high quality sleep. Get hooked up with a great physical therapist and stick to their plan. People like us tend to go overboard with the PT and that is counterproductive. Find a good PT and follow what they prescribe.

Out of curiosity, how did you rupture the tendon? That's a very thick strong tendon to tear. Bummer to hear. Injuries are a mother f*****.
I think your plan looks really good. I don't know much about GHK or epith though. TB BPC and GH are a great combo. As for dosing in GH I would ratchet that up towards 5 IU If you can afford it and it's tolerable. I know everyone responds differently to things but I find that BPC makes me feel wonky if I take it in the morning. I used to dose twice a day but now I just switch to pre-bed. Haven't seen others report this though.

Don't forget to focus on very sound nutrition that is low in or even better without items which are inflammatory like processed food, alcohol, etc. Prioritize high quality sleep. Get hooked up with a great physical therapist and stick to their plan. People like us tend to go overboard with the PT and that is counterproductive. Find a good PT and follow what they prescribe.

Out of curiosity, how did you rupture the tendon? That's a very thick strong tendon to tear. Bummer to hear. Injuries are a mother f*****.
Yeah I'm not sure how much more effective the additional products would be. I figured if it was cheap then it was worth a shot. Something like the GHK-Cu which I've read can be used for things like wound healing, anti inflammation, and possibly increased collagen production, would be worth a shot in the dark under $50. The Epitalon is pretty cheap as well but mainly for anti aging and wound healing. I will definitely up the HGH but like to start low. I have a tendency to get pretty bloated. My ankles looked insane at 8-9IUs ed.

I've been really good with my diet for prob a year now. I haven't fallen off in that aspect prob due to high spirits about my return. I don't drink but my sleep isn't the greatest. Having a leg brace sucks and I stay up waaay too late now that I'm on disability leave from work. The PT part I've heard is gonna be vey important like you say. I'm just anxious to get my surgery complete and on the way to PT currently. I will follow their lead tho for sure.

It was a total bonehead move. I fell down on pavement and completely bent my leg backward and was pretty much sitting on it. Kind of a freak accident but got me real good. I couldn't even get up. My leg was locked back and I couldn't straighten it out. I was hoping for dislocated kneecap or something. Lucky I had my phone in my pocket and I laid there waiting for the ambulance. I would have had surgery in the hospital when it originally happened but there was abrasions on my knee which could lead to an infection if cut thru.

I'm dealing with new insurance after switching over from Kaiser for 8 years. I have Western Health Advantage now and it's been a shitshow. My surgeon that I've been waiting for a month now to see suddenly says he cant do my surgery. Office is being closed. Complete waste of my fucking time. I'm calling the insurance tmrw to see whos on deck now. I'm going back to Kaiser in April when my work has open enrollment day...
collagen powder

No one talking about this but I’ve found adding collagen peptide powder into my post workout protein shake to be a game changer for me in terms of recovery, and found that game changer to be extra significant with hgh thrown and into the equation. From my layperson understanding it’s not great protein for building muscles, but your body can absorb it super quickly and muscles utilize it to repair damage fast.

I did some googling and it looks like collagen is great for pre and post surgery repair **but** there are some caveats as there are many different types of collagen and times to take the different types. Type I and III collagen peptides should be taken prior to surgery, and Type II collagen post surgery.

This guy has a whole collagen schedule for surgery with explanations that seems fairly solid. I’ve seen similar protocols other places.

Sorry you’re going through that nightmare with offices and insurance man.
No one talking about this but I’ve found adding collagen peptide powder into my post workout protein shake to be a game changer for me in terms of recovery, and found that game changer to be extra significant with hgh thrown and into the equation. From my layperson understanding it’s not great protein for building muscles, but your body can absorb it super quickly and muscles utilize it to repair damage fast.

I did some googling and it looks like collagen is great for pre and post surgery repair **but** there are some caveats as there are many different types of collagen and times to take the different types. Type I and III collagen peptides should be taken prior to surgery, and Type II collagen post surgery.

This guy has a whole collagen schedule for surgery with explanations that seems fairly solid. I’ve seen similar protocols other places.

Sorry you’re going through that nightmare with offices and insurance man.
Thats why it sucks when in 2024 lots of bodybuilders still eat mostly chickenbreast, some beef usually in steak form, eggs, skinless fish, rice, oats, whey protein, some veggies. Actually most people who try to either look or performance better, not confined to BBers.

There is a whole another level of nutrition than most people seem to realize.

Its a smart thing to eat lots of other things including thick soups/stews from bones with lots of tendons which bodybuilders usually tend to find stupid.

Same with weird organs. Its probably smart to eat it at least couple times a month - cooked of course.
Too bad idiots like liver king made this whole thing ridicolous taking it to some moronic extremes because of greed.

I supplement with collagen also other than eating stews, skins with the meat etc. Its great for gut health too.
My surgeon that I've been waiting for a month now to see suddenly says he cant do my surgery.

That shit is so disheartening in the process of being sick or injured, wouldn’t wish it on people I hate. Genuinely wishing you the best as a complete stranger. Been there, it’s awful.

I supplement with collagen also other than eating stews, skins with the meat etc. Its great for gut health too.

I agree with everything you said. I eat much more collagen rich meats lately, and almost always cook my rice in bone broth. Simple stuff to keep it in. On top of collagen supplements in my smoothie post lift. I have a much more rounded diet than a lot of folks around here, but I’m also not trying to get as huge as others here either. I’ve never hated my life more than bulking on chicken, rice, and broccoli when I was younger and dumber personally.
No one talking about this but I’ve found adding collagen peptide powder into my post workout protein shake to be a game changer for me in terms of recovery, and found that game changer to be extra significant with hgh thrown and into the equation. From my layperson understanding it’s not great protein for building muscles, but your body can absorb it super quickly and muscles utilize it to repair damage fast.

I did some googling and it looks like collagen is great for pre and post surgery repair **but** there are some caveats as there are many different types of collagen and times to take the different types. Type I and III collagen peptides should be taken prior to surgery, and Type II collagen post surgery.

This guy has a whole collagen schedule for surgery with explanations that seems fairly solid. I’ve seen similar protocols other places.

Sorry you’re going through that nightmare with offices and insurance man.
I used to take the gorilla mode brand collagen but didn't seem to notice much. I certainly noticed more from HGH with explosive fingernail growth. I was planning on adding it as well since it wouldn't be too bad of a hit using it from a place like bulk supplements in a kg bag. Hoping it will "amplify" with HGH like you mentioned. Cant hurt. was gonna buy all three types. I think it was chicken, marine, and bovine. I will check that link out for info.
Thats why it sucks when in 2024 lots of bodybuilders still eat mostly chickenbreast, some beef usually in steak form, eggs, skinless fish, rice, oats, whey protein, some veggies. Actually most people who try to either look or performance better, not confined to BBers.

There is a whole another level of nutrition than most people seem to realize.

Its a smart thing to eat lots of other things including thick soups/stews from bones with lots of tendons which bodybuilders usually tend to find stupid.

Same with weird organs. Its probably smart to eat it at least couple times a month - cooked of course.
Too bad idiots like liver king made this whole thing ridicolous taking it to some moronic extremes because of greed.

I supplement with collagen also other than eating stews, skins with the meat etc. Its great for gut health too.
I agree. I just had my mother make me a beef soup with stock from bones. Man it was gone in 2 days lol. She also used to make chicken liver and onions for dinner when I was a kid. I actually liked it with a bit of ketchup or A1. This injury has also made me pay even more attention to what I'm eating now that I'm moving so much less. Tbo I'm willing to do more different things now that I'm injured to hopefully make a difference. If eating liver again once or twice a week will help, I'm all in.