Personal log from first cycle



This will be my personal log from this first blast, as i dont wanna spam Ben's thread too much. Mixture of my notes, rants, hopefully random spam and i would like to reflect in future from my experiences.

I will try make some structure in here but it will be messy probably for while.

Traning is push/pull/legs/push/pull/rest/rest
One day can be switched to rest and training will be done on saturday instead, sunday is always rest.

I (sometimes) count working sets per week, this first blast my focus will be in chest and lats as they need most improvement imo.

So for these, i aim at around 20-22 sets per week split into 2 workouts.

Kcal's i dont measure, eating mostly dry air fried chicken, rice, curd with honey/jam, i like morning shakes with milk and whey, pasta.
Sometimes i have cheat meal but i dont have huge variation in food i eat cause i cant cook and can eat mostly same stuff over and over again.
I aim for around 180-200g protein per day.

So, long story short, after deload week:

First 2,5mg shot of tirz

First shot of 150mg test, 2x per week - 300mg weekly

For next 3 weeks, tirz at 2,5mg, test at 300mg.

Stopped with tirz after 5mg shot week before - couldnt eat for few days, bit of nausea. had to force protein shakes. After this mini cut, my morning fasted weight was 80kg.

Did bloodwork before shot, then bump
to 500mg / week in 2 shots.

Bloods on 300mg weekly:
Test 47.07 nmol/l OR 1357 ng/dl
Estradiol 187.6 pmol/l OR 51.09 pg/ml

No AI so far. I would say, from this first blood test, im below average responder and not aromatizing heavily. I expected esteogen much higher (im srill fat by BB standards)

Popped 1/4 of 25mg aromasin pill, dosing on pin days, 2x weekly, in total 12,5mg weekly.
Wanted to experiment (i should have waited until bloods from 500mg alone... pity) and i was bloated and watery all the time, no matter what i ate.

20.3.25 (copy&paste from bens thread)
im at week 8, week 4 of eating in surpluss, im 11kg heavier (morning fasted 91kg) and not much fatter i would say. i will push it probably till week 16.

second week with ai on 500mg / week and im without emotions suddenly. i feel flat, my mood is "okay" most of the time, not much excitement, bit more short fused, much less bloated and overall, people around me dont like this but i do.

normally, i have very low EQ and im not empathic person at all but now its all switched off. its weird but i like it more this way, feels safer, more predictable. its interesting but i would say this is first time that im aware of hormonal rollercoster.

bloods will be drawn 31.3, until then i have to go by feel with AI, started with 1/4 of aromasin tab 2x per week, on pin days. if i had to go by feels, i think its more than enough but numbers will tell...

anyway, feeling strong, hungry, lot of energy in gym, good focus, bit worse sleep (im hungry until late night and too early in morning).

im not mentally that horny anymore (thats +) but i have strong errections without any impulse (thats -). i lost ability to cum from jerking off 95% of time which is weird. i would prefer "deca dick", or no libido and errections tbh... this is weird.

anyway, in next 8 weeks i would
like to push another 5kg max and then cruise, probably on 200mg starting dose.
i will maintain for 4 weeks and then cut until im happy.
if anyone is interested, im using test c 250mg/ml, pinning with 27G x 3/4" braun needles coupled with braun 1ml syringes, green ones. i like them cause they have little spike at the tip so no oil is left in tip of syringe when im done.

doin quads and side delts, so far quads are far more comfortable then delts, i dont even notice it there.
delts on the other hand are not pleasent at all, i can feel every pin there. during cruise i will try 30G x 1/2" for them so will see

after next blood test i will probably increase injection frequency from monday & thursday to M/W/F, i expect more steady levels from that.

im already curious what blood levels i will get from 200mg, in theory, my response rn is 4,5x the mg so 200 could put me around 900 ng/dl, not sure if it will be linear like that but that will be starting dose.

Also, this dose should put estradiol in check, i was very very sllghtly above reference range on 300mg (181ref vs 184, nmol/l)
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as i dont wanna motor oil instead of blood, im drinking plenty of water. ussuall morning routine is around 1,5L right after i wake up.
Until lunch time, i try to drink another 1,5L (office job) and during lunch its another 1L.
Workouts are normally 1,5-2h max after lunch, 2L during workout and after that until i go to sleep another 2,5-3L.

So this is somewhere around 9-10L ussuall day, without much else activity. Thats slight increase from my normal drinking habbits but i always did drink much more water than other people. During summer months i sweat like crazy so more water ofc. Hopefully this will prevent high hematocrit and thick blood.
as for BP, i chexk it regularly, only one time i saw 135/75 i think but ussually im under 120/70, its quite normal for me to have dystoic under 60.

for example, last 2 readings from evening:
113/54, pulse 65
111/64, pulse 59

will monitor that but so far im on lower end and thats without cardio, with 10mg cialis daily. i hope it wont climb high in future as i hate doin cardio in gym :D
i fcked up a bit i think. i was greedy mf and tried 50mg of var pre workout, pull day.

after first set of barbell rows my forearms were like concrete, okay... everything else was great, more mental focus, more energy, bit more strenght, i could do more reps and better mind-muscle connection.

aaand then there were hyperextensions. ussually, i work my way to 2x20kg plates but today after 20+10, 8-9 reps maybe, my lower back went into solid mode. writting this from gym where im sitting, unable to move, in most painfull pump ever.
im pretty used to pumps from this excercise but this is from another world...

anyway, great experience, i will try it sometime in future but for now, its too much.
i fcked up a bit i think. i was greedy mf and tried 50mg of var pre workout, pull day.

after first set of barbell rows my forearms were like concrete, okay... everything else was great, more mental focus, more energy, bit more strenght, i could do more reps and better mind-muscle connection.

aaand then there were hyperextensions. ussually, i work my way to 2x20kg plates but today after 20+10, 8-9 reps maybe, my lower back went into solid mode. writting this from gym where im sitting, unable to move, in most painfull pump ever.
im pretty used to pumps from this excercise but this is from another world...

anyway, great experience, i will try it sometime in future but for now, its too much.
Add Taurin. 2-4g Daily, should fix it

This will be my personal log from this first blast, as i dont wanna spam Ben's thread too much. Mixture of my notes, rants, hopefully random spam and i would like to reflect in future from my experiences.

I will try make some structure in here but it will be messy probably for while.

Traning is push/pull/legs/push/pull/rest/rest
One day can be switched to rest and training will be done on saturday instead, sunday is always rest.

I (sometimes) count working sets per week, this first blast my focus will be in chest and lats as they need most improvement imo.

So for these, i aim at around 20-22 sets per week split into 2 workouts.

Kcal's i dont measure, eating mostly dry air fried chicken, rice, curd with honey/jam, i like morning shakes with milk and whey, pasta.
Sometimes i have cheat meal but i dont have huge variation in food i eat cause i cant cook and can eat mostly same stuff over and over again.
I aim for around 180-200g protein per day.

So, long story short, after deload week:

First 2,5mg shot of tirz

First shot of 150mg test, 2x per week - 300mg weekly

For next 3 weeks, tirz at 2,5mg, test at 300mg.

Stopped with tirz after 5mg shot week before - couldnt eat for few days, bit of nausea. had to force protein shakes. After this mini cut, my morning fasted weight was 80kg.

Did bloodwork before shot, then bump
to 500mg / week in 2 shots.

Bloods on 300mg weekly:
Test 47.07 nmol/l OR 1357 ng/dl
Estradiol 187.6 pmol/l OR 51.09 pg/ml

No AI so far. I would say, from this first blood test, im below average responder and not aromatizing heavily. I expected esteogen much higher (im srill fat by BB standards)

Popped 1/4 of 25mg aromasin pill, dosing on pin days, 2x weekly, in total 12,5mg weekly.
Wanted to experiment (i should have waited until bloods from 500mg alone... pity) and i was bloated and watery all the time, no matter what i ate.

20.3.25 (copy&paste from bens thread)
im at week 8, week 4 of eating in surpluss, im 11kg heavier (morning fasted 91kg) and not much fatter i would say. i will push it probably till week 16.

second week with ai on 500mg / week and im without emotions suddenly. i feel flat, my mood is "okay" most of the time, not much excitement, bit more short fused, much less bloated and overall, people around me dont like this but i do.

normally, i have very low EQ and im not empathic person at all but now its all switched off. its weird but i like it more this way, feels safer, more predictable. its interesting but i would say this is first time that im aware of hormonal rollercoster.

bloods will be drawn 31.3, until then i have to go by feel with AI, started with 1/4 of aromasin tab 2x per week, on pin days. if i had to go by feels, i think its more than enough but numbers will tell...

anyway, feeling strong, hungry, lot of energy in gym, good focus, bit worse sleep (im hungry until late night and too early in morning).

im not mentally that horny anymore (thats +) but i have strong errections without any impulse (thats -). i lost ability to cum from jerking off 95% of time which is weird. i would prefer "deca dick", or no libido and errections tbh... this is weird.

anyway, in next 8 weeks i would
like to push another 5kg max and then cruise, probably on 200mg starting dose.
i will maintain for 4 weeks and then cut until im happy.
my questions is do you really need to skip legs? i feel like 99.9% of everyone has so dominant quads and no hammies at all. i personally done 2-3 hamstrings weekly and quads only 1 time/weekly for half a year and my quads are still dominant.

everything else fully looks good, great bloodwork, maybe lower cruise but fucking add cardio man haha.
im following this log now!
my questions is do you really need to skip legs? i feel like 99.9% of everyone has so dominant quads and no hammies at all. i personally done 2-3 hamstrings weekly and quads only 1 time/weekly for half a year and my quads are still dominant.
everything else fully looks good, great bloodwork, maybe lower cruise but fucking add cardio man haha.
im following this log now!
i dont skip them, i train them only once per week, not twice, like upper body.
my legs are my strongest body part, they always were. i spent all
my childhood as fat kid on bicycle 24/7 so i have strong legs. i actually enjoy leg days and muscle soreness from it. recently, for the first time, i threw up after super heavy dropset on legpress :D i was super happy, had a great training with friend

ussually, for quads i do warmup with squats (cant go heavy and deep cause of knees) with like 60kg, then heavy legpress, hacksquat on machine and leg extensions (for quads, not sure if its right name).
then laying leg curl and rdl or reversed hack squat on same machine for hams and glutes.
+ calves cause why not, i can go heavy on them, they are big-ish and can take beating.

also, i forgot to add but M/W/F is abs training, ussually crunches on machine (again im not sure if its correct name) torso rotation for obliques and leg raises for lower abs, 4 work sets each.

cardio will be added when weather will be a bit better, i cant wait to sit on bike and go. ussually, i do 50km under 2 hours multiple times per week as hobby that i do cause i enjoy it.

no cardio in gym cause thats... straight depressive .. i did it few times during winter but its... meh. hour on bike or walking on max incline is super boring, i prefer to be outside.
anyway, it looks like next week it could be better outside finally so i will hop on bike and go.

cruise will start at 200, after 4 weeks i wanna draw blood for test and adjust if needed.
little update:

2 days ago (sunday) i had sports "massage".
imagine 130kg big ukrainian powerlifter on gear, he is masochist incarnated. basicly, he has these dull stone tools and breaks spasms in muscle. ive been there for hour and half, almost cried cause from pain, i had many small knots in upper trap next to nerves and blocked muscle behind shoulder blade. fixed it for me and felt immidiate relief.

monday was kind of brutal push day. lot of carbs hour before, lot of volume in gym, added reps to every excercise. my plan was to go to yoga class after gym but my shoulders were in so much pain i couldnt...

i have some old minor tear in rotator cuff on left side, also my joints are fucked up + hard gym training = lot of pain

today, pull day, again lot of volume, focus on range of motion, stretch, tempo, again added rep or two here and there.

i cant hide that im on blast anymore, few regulars in gym came to me today and asked what im on... not my proudest moment.

anyway, i feel like i need deload week soon, i can feel soft tissue not regenerating fast enough. next week or week after.

today i experienced full on roid rage for the first time. i was in shock how much anger was in me. emmployee did major fckup, from his own stupidity and arrogance. it was super hard to stay at least bit calm and not fire him in that second.... gym after work was spicy today...
stupidity and arrogance is a bad combination
i mean, its truck driver. 20 years behind wheel around whole europe... i gave him step by step i structions how to do this task. 3 places for unloading in certain order. he did it from opposite end, didnt make it anywhere on time, cause he was lazy to open side of trailer... i exploded im rage basicly...
in recent time he acts like wanna find problem. he will be fired friday after this week, i dont have patience for it.

in this bussiness, drivers are biggest problem but i will rather sell truck and make less money than deal with people like him. absolutly stupid. like 5yo child...

anyway, again, little rant.
abs + legs today.

ussuall 3 excercises 4 sets for abs, for legs 4 sets of light squats (ended with 80kg) as warmup, 4 heavy sets x8 reps on hacksquat machine, 3 sets with higher (15-20) reps on legpress and leg extensions 3 sets 12-15 reps, 3 sets of rdl and 3 sets of calf raises.

im fried a bit. my stomach is twisting cause i overdid it with bhut jolokia for lunch :D

but overall i dont feel best tbh. i feel fatigued, like sickness is comming. everybody around is sick since october (no freezing temps this winter), lot of stomach sickness also. i drink lot of vit C daily (3-5g +-) so i think that keeps me from getting sick but i still dont feel good.

i think i will have break from training next week, my connective tissue is mot regenerating fast enough, my shoulders still hurt like MF from monday, probably will go to sauna 2-3 times per that week, some walks, maybe swimming, hopefully weather will be better next week so bike also.

im not sure if its best idea when blasting 500mg/week but i dont wanna risk any injury. that would be major setback...
abs + legs today.

ussuall 3 excercises 4 sets for abs, for legs 4 sets of light squats (ended with 80kg) as warmup, 4 heavy sets x8 reps on hacksquat machine, 3 sets with higher (15-20) reps on legpress and leg extensions 3 sets 12-15 reps, 3 sets of rdl and 3 sets of calf raises.

im fried a bit. my stomach is twisting cause i overdid it with bhut jolokia for lunch :D

but overall i dont feel best tbh. i feel fatigued, like sickness is comming. everybody around is sick since october (no freezing temps this winter), lot of stomach sickness also. i drink lot of vit C daily (3-5g +-) so i think that keeps me from getting sick but i still dont feel good.

i think i will have break from training next week, my connective tissue is mot regenerating fast enough, my shoulders still hurt like MF from monday, probably will go to sauna 2-3 times per that week, some walks, maybe swimming, hopefully weather will be better next week so bike also.

im not sure if its best idea when blasting 500mg/week but i dont wanna risk any injury. that would be major setback...
Might be worth adding some injectable B Vitamins on top and some slightly higher doses of Vit. D and Zinc together with Vit C if you think youre getting sick!
also, ive found my first vein on my abs / belly in my case :D even when fat, its there, in lower abs. im white guys with blue veins so im pretty vascular even with high bf (BB standards). i like that a lot.

bad thing is, my dick/libido is out of control. sleep is suffering cause of it. around 4:30-5:00 at morning i wake up cause my dick is rock hard and stays hard for next 2 hours.... its super annoying tbh. i dont have much use for it sadly and inresist tempation to not burn 500€ for 3 hours escort...
Might be worth adding some injectable B Vitamins on top and some slightly higher doses of Vit. D and Zinc together with Vit C if you think youre getting sick!
50mg zinc & 10k iu of D daily.
I have B complex also, not sure about numbers.

i will go to sauna today, that always helps.
bad thing is i have trouble eating cause my stomach burns so much today. normally, i add small-ish amount of this demon chilli but today my hand was bit off, i was like "okay im not chicken"... it was bit hot even for my standards but stomach is uppset
50mg zinc & 10k iu of D daily.
I have B complex also, not sure about numbers.

i will go to sauna today, that always helps.
bad thing is i have trouble eating cause my stomach burns so much today. normally, i add small-ish amount of this demon chilli but today my hand was bit off, i was like "okay im not chicken"... it was bit hot even for my standards but stomach is uppset
i wanna taste it just from its name. demon chilli sounds cool asf
i wanna taste it just from its name. demon chilli sounds cool asf
its smoked bhut jolokia. very tasty chilli, go for smoked one, regular doesnt taste that good, not even close

for me its normal to have high amount of habanero + cayenne in everything. thats for taste, i donr feel much heat from that anymore, unless i add full spoon into one plate of pasta for example.

and on top of that i add small amount of that smoked jolokia for that smoky flavour and unique burn that is not too much.

well, not today. someone would call it heroic dose or just threw food into trash...