Pharma Grade HGH Source


New Member
Hey Guys,

I was hoping for some help with finding a legit source for Pharma Grade HGH. I just had surgery on my shoulder about a month and a half ago and the recovery hasn’t been going well. I was hoping to pick up 3or 4 36iu Genotropin pens. Taking 2 ius 5 days a week to help heal. I did this last year during another surgery and the recovery was night and day different. My previous supplier no longer carries it and Napsgear price’s aren’t really competitive ( really overpriced). Normally, I would go based off the review from Eroids but I honestly don’t trust that site anymore. They have suppliers ranked in the top 5 that have sold me bunk gear or have ripped me off despite “positive ratings”. Anyway, not sure the rules on here so if you can’t reply with a supplier’s name on here please just PM me.

I appreciate it.
there's a guy in the underground selling it, don't know if it's any good. you'll have to read
Yea hit me up man i got some real gh for you it its 100% rdna. Just got it tested its 500 ius for 200$ Just gonna need that card number and specail little code. First one who orders get 100 iu for free I also dont forget to put your name and adreess hit me up
Ps its sarcasm seriously just go read all the rulez and hang around dude . If you just ask that type of shit your asking to be scamed and that not good listen up , read read more and when you fell like you read enough read more come ask another question then get old to read again , its not a SOURCE BOARD its for use to test sources and make sure their on check . You got alot to learn stick around !!!!!! If you can alot of people come and go meso adopted me and i gotta say i love the cummunity even though it can be harsh there all my favorites :rolleyes: