PHARMA ONLY - Pharmasource

hey just wanted to say i just got my order! took only 10 days and its all good! Time to shred even more!!! thanks ! !!


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No sir. Also beliave they are from Serbia May be wrong.

No, not just Serbia.

They have them in several markets. Macedonia, Serbia, and Bosnia.

Macedonia ones I had from a source who carried them in your country. He use to get them in the pharmacies.

Great product for us if you can still source them.


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No, not just Serbia.

They have them in several markets. Macedonia, Serbia, and Bosnia.

Macedonia ones I had from a source who carried them in your country. He use to get them in the pharmacies.

Great product for us if you can still source them.
They started faking it.
Hi, I currently have some Metacartin from you (injectable L Carn.)
Never used this before and heard It’s really good for cutting, helps endurance and fat loss.
Im starting tren A , Mast, Prop, and wanted to add this and give It a try. Can you take It orally? I mean drink It? Or should I must inject It? Would It be less efficient taken orally? Thank you
Hi, I currently have some Metacartin from you (injectable L Carn.)
Never used this before and heard It’s really good for cutting, helps endurance and fat loss.
Im starting tren A , Mast, Prop, and wanted to add this and give It a try. Can you take It orally? I mean drink It? Or should I must inject It? Would It be less efficient taken orally? Thank you

Yes, it has very poor availability orally. You want to inject it and eat around 30g carbs or take insulin.

Every info you could want about L-Carnitine
