PHARMA ONLY - Pharmasource

If its in Chicago IL sorting center 8 days are not even considered stuck. Packs stay there for 15 days on average..

Yeah, I know, I ordered prescription heartworm medicine for my Dog from another country once and it took me 8 weeks to receive. Stuck in one spot in California for 5 of those weeks. Makes no sense.
are you east coast or west? He sent out my package 9 days ago and provided tracking and its out for delivery today. I’m on the east coast
I had 2 packages ordered from him sent about a week apart. Took me 2 and a half weeks to get the first package and it's been 3 and a half weeks for second package. Packages get held up sometimes for no apparent reason. Only happens with international, but it's usually NOT the fault of customs opening your shit. It's like they just lose people's shit sometimes.
Hey bud. Do you carry Keflex/Cephalexin, Bactrim and doxycycline?
Any other guys order from the US around 4-6 weeks ago and not get their package? I saw the pharmagoods announcements about seizures, I've gotten no seizure letter or anything but my parcel tracking shows the package left bulgaria on april 27th and theres been zero updates on its tracking since then. Anyone else in the same boat?
Just wanted to say I got my package after all. Appreciate the fast response times on both this board and over email when I was looking into the shipping issue, you've got yourself a repeat customer for sure.
What MG is the Metformin Sopharma? Is it extended release?
If not, do you sell ER Metformin?
Metformin is 500mg, but on request i can provide 850 and 1000mg with verry small difference in price. After you asked about extended release i bough some and Will add it to the list.
LIRAGLUTIDE (appetite suppressant):
NOVO NORDISK Saxenda 3ml PEN 6mg/ml / 70$ no reship /90 $ reshipping included

Dulaglutide (appetite suppressant):
TRULICITY 1,5 MG/0,5 ML / 60 USD (no reshipping) /80 USD (reshiping)

Any1 used any of the HGH products and got some feedback? Also usually hgh needs to be refrigerated, wont it go bad during shipping in these hot temps?
Any1 used any of the HGH products and got some feedback? Also usually hgh needs to be refrigerated, wont it go bad during shipping in these hot temps?

Here user and seller of genotropin from pharmaonly. Legit for me, based on sides of pharma hgh. For clients too. We will do serum test early.