@mands picked a battle with me to defend his friend. I saw
@Darius PharmacomStore completely disrespect you and
@mands and you guys just sat there all turtled up. You guys will prioritize ganging up on a member you don't like instead of getting rid of scamming pharmacon. Look at my thread,people call me a troll. Why? Because they talk shit and I talk shit back and I am better at talking shit than a good 99% of people. Why the fuck is the thread about attacking my credibility instead of putting these scammers out of this forum.
I think it's petty that well respected veterans would rather troll me and let other people get scammed than do the right thing and expose these guys for the scammers that they are.
I was offered 300$ to shut up,who offers money when they know they did no wrong??
@IronJulius admitted to deleting threads on a different forum.
Where is the justice in this??
Who cares if
@mands sends products in for testing if he is just going to tuck his tail behind his ass and not say anything??
YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN HAVING PROBLEMS WITH PHARMA since 2015,I have seen TONS of threads like this. Why are they still allowed to sell here??? You guys just say oh well,i am just going to give up.
Or call me a scammer,how am I scammer when I have ZERO control over the situation?
I was offered money TO LEAVE and stop discussing this. What honest company does that?