Pharmacom boldenone

I didn't think Bold by itself would shut you down in the first place. It is an incredably weak steroid.

It would. There was a member here that tried a Bold only cycle. He crashed hard and had to throw in the towel. Was an interesting experiment. Wish i could remember the thread it was in.
It would. There was a member here that tried a Bold only cycle. He crashed hard and had to throw in the towel. Was an interesting experiment. Wish i could remember the thread it was in.
Sounds like some dumb shit masteroff would do.

But the bloods got clomid written all over it. It is a possibility that the trainee is running an eq only cycle with cloimid to prevent hpta suppression. Maybe get a better idea on the boldenone if there was some hct and rbc reading since we know these markers elevate on even modest eq doses