MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Analytic results for the new Liquid GH Product quoted below for those that may have missed it :) because it got buried under other questions on the previous page.
Announcing a Great Victory for Pharmacom Labs!
Analytic results for the new Liquid GH Product demonstrate that stability during storage and multiple extended transits has been achieved.

The product was first shipped to the US warehouse, which takes a transit time of approximately 2 weeks; then from that warehouse it was shipped to Europe, another transit time of approximately 2 weeks, to be tested.
That is at least a month of total travel time! And, a stop at the warehouse for some time between trips across the world, enduring a much longer journey than what a customer’s order would experience.

The results are incredible considering these conditions and demonstrate that Pharmacom Labs has achieved a truly remarkable new GH product, which is stable in liquid form even during extended transit times without refrigeration.

PHARMATROPIN HGH LIQUID: Liquid Growth Hormone from Pharmacom Labs

Analytic testing performed by Janoshik.


1. Concentration of rHGH in the vial: 3.11 mg/mL.
2. Purity: 95.074%.
3. Dimer and related proteins: not detected.

Analysis conducted: 19 March 2025.

Heavy Metal Analysis:

  • As: not detected.
  • Cd: not detected.
  • Hg: not detected.
  • Pb: not detected.
Analysis conducted: 18 March 2025.

So is that in 1 day or 90 days?
I don't know an exact restock date for specific products.
All I have is the same information that we see from Pharmacom Support posted here, that in general there are restocks ever 2-3 months.
But I don't know if the next restock will include a specific product or if/when the restock will occur.
Usually there is an announcement when there is a restock of a highly demanded products or something that has been out-of-stock for a long time.
Pharma MIX-2: Awesome Short-Ester Cutting Stack in One Vial

Pharma MIX-2 is a 250 mg/mL mixture containing the following:
- Trenbolone Acetate: 75 mg/ml
- Drostanolone Propionate: 100 mg/ml
- Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 75 mg/ml

Pharmacom Labs Pharma MIX-2 is available in the Basicstero store at the link in the code box below:

PHARMA MIX 2 is the pride of Pharmacom Labs! This powerful combination of trenbolone acetate, drostanolone propionate, and testosterone phenylpropionate is the best for shedding fat and attaining an impeccably lean, muscular, and defined physique. Trenbolone, one of the most powerful injectable anabolic steroids ever manufactured, is highly valued for its ability to increase strength, muscle hardness, and definition without unwanted water retention or added fat mass. Drostanolone is phenomenal at promoting lean, hard, extremely defined muscle mass without any excess water retention. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, which should always be present in a male’s body, and is known for its ability to promote strong increases in muscle mass and strength.
Designed with the convenience of use in mind, only three injections of PHARMA MIX 2 are needed per week to reap the benefits of this incredibly potent synergistic stack of three powerful drugs!
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