Pharmacom Test E 300 Bloodwork LCMS

Yeah---- there's a lot of Info/theories on pct.... So I've resorted more towards a Roberts/scally/ape of waiting longer---) as I'm starting to notice a feeling of being irritable, and tired more easily I may move start date up to 21 days..... Thanks bro
On 600mg a week of test e, it will likely take around 3wks or more for enough test to have cleared for SERM therapy to be effective.

Yeah trying to stick to plan of 30 days.... Or if I start feeling like shit maybe start at 21 and run serms for 5 weeks.... I have PLENTY
Just more a battle of the mind now, I know push comes to shove I'll be alright--- first cycle I did 0 Pct..... Didn't keep any gains, but was still big fella:)
On 600mg a week of test e, it will likely take around 3wks or more for enough test to have cleared for SERM therapy to be effective.
Is there anything to be said for starting early if the pct is ran longer, therefore after the three week mark I still ended up running 4+ weeks of serm. Knowing what I know now, I'd wait longer. Guessing the biggest draw back is effectively just using unnecessary amount of serm, bc recovery can't effectively begin yet? Are there any others? Haven't heard that serm use during cycle had any impact on pct later, so I'd imagine it's just wasteful at worst if you started early but still ran the necessary amount of time once recovery was possible. Sorry if repetitive, just trying to make sure my question is clear
Is there anything to be said for starting early if the pct is ran longer, therefore after the three week mark I still ended up running 4+ weeks of serm. Knowing what I know now, I'd wait longer. Guessing the biggest draw back is effectively just using unnecessary amount of serm, bc recovery can't effectively begin yet? Are there any others? Haven't heard that serm use during cycle had any impact on pct later, so I'd imagine it's just wasteful at worst if you started early but still ran the necessary amount of time once recovery was possible. Sorry if repetitive, just trying to make sure my question is clear

I can't think of any real drawbacks besides the ones you mentioned. Wasting some of your SERMs and recovery not taking place until the body is ready.

Good info in here :) was hoping I'd stumble across pct time frames for test E, and dw asked the exact question I couldn't seem to put into words. Thanks guys

Good info in here :) was hoping I'd stumble across pct time frames for test E, and dw asked the exact question I couldn't seem to put into words. Thanks guys

If you are looking for PCT you always have to provide 2 answers at least:
1. Product and dosage you were on.
2. Length of cycle of those products
If you are looking for PCT you always have to provide 2 answers at least:
1. Product and dosage you were on.
2. Length of cycle of those products

How does length of cycle affect pct start time? Or are u saying length/ dosage ...... And even then that's a hard guess?
Or are u actually saying by calculating half life's pct could actually have to wait longer than 4 weeks -- just from moving cycle from 12 to 16 weeks?

Just saying there has to be a point of diminishing returns from waiting, and 4 weeks seems like Long enough even after years of cruising--- think it would come down to dosage, and repeating PCT..... Curious enough if people actually wait long then 4 weeks?
If you do a lose dose shorter cycle you might only need 2/3 weeks of PCT and not a strong dose of it.
If you did a high dose 20 week cycle you may need a stronger PCT dose and longer 4/5 weeks.

Everyone is a bit different you gotta listen to your balls on PCT as well.

As for start time depends on product. Longer esters 2 weeks after last shot.

Thats all I meant.

Hey u haven't by chance ever got blood work at 4th half life (20 day) mark have you?

Would make things easier:)

I've been doing some serious math, and am figuring my (urs to) half life to be 4-5 days

Putting PCT start date on day 20- (21 for maths sake) instead of 30-35

Wish I would have got blood work on 20th day, and stayed in school and got a math degree

Explains our blood work to, if we metabolize every 4 days it changes to total levels on blood work every 9 days

Mind blow