(Pharmacom)(test e 300)(March 8)(9 weeks in)


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Here are my lab results for my Pharmacom cycle.

Pharmacom deca 600 300mg wk
Pharmacom test e 300 363mg wk (overdosed batch according to al.com)
Pfizer test c 200 100mg wk
1 week prior to testing started Pharmacom winny 30mg daily 210mg wk

All dosages were split into 2 injections

Not sure what else to include. I believe my numbers are good but all input is welcomed.Screenshot_2016-03-14-09-34-38.png Screenshot_2016-03-14-09-34-58.png
Both Pharmacom and pfizer, Pfizer is only my weekly trt dose 100mg split in 2 pins 50mg
Thanks for sharing.

Btw are you sick or anything?? My white blood cell count was high when I had sinus infection or some shit. Thank God I'm over it now....it was brutal.
Doesn't the 10 rule only apply if it's a single pin per week and not split? If what im saying is true, Technically I got more than 10x
Not that I know of, I notice the count was high. I hardly ever get sick, maybe a slight cold about once a year if that
I think everybody just needs to forget about the 10x "rule". IMO anything between 7-10x is a good result. 6.5x being the absolute lowest somewhat acceptable blood result.
Friend of mine getting his blood drawn tomorrow on what should be same batch of test e as yours , will be interesting to compare to.what everyone else has shared. He's been pinning twice a week he says, 1mL per pin. Same order and Another friend has been pinning oncr a week but same total dosing. If I can share both we will have something to really see what split dosing vs single can do on what should be identical gear