Pharmacomstore 6 week labs


New Member
Here's my 6week blood results from pharmacomstore. Cycle is being ran as 400mg testosterone Enanthate/week. split Tuesday and Friday am. Ran 50mg Tbol first 4 weeks. 12 week cycle started may 9th 2017. Also running phramacom Aromasin 12.5 EOD.
-starting T levels were 281, estradiol around 52. ( been low for years, found this out trying to have kids 5 years ago) I will pursue TRT once cycle is complete. Do y'all think estrogen is too low? How does my free testosterone measure up? Any feedback will be appreciated * side note, bloods where drawn approx 56 hrs after pin, my schedual couldn't allow me in the 48 hr window


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Yeah that estro is to low

Also TT numbers is low, maybe that's how u respond----) if it was me with those numbers I'd drop the AI completely

^^ but that's just me
Labs were drawn 3pm Monday last pin was the Friday before (early am) not sure how that time frame would effect TT levels
That's what I figured. I just couldn't swing the optimal time frame this round so I expected it towards the lower end. I'm not disappointed
@DrinkFlintWater yea but doesn't all exogenous testosterone shut you down ? So why would that matter 6 weeks in?
Yes. Also, my last post was two paragraphs and was cut out before i finished the first sentence. Anyway, 400mg at week 6, 1341 total T. 56 hr after last pin. Assuming the 48hr mark is used as thats where total t levels peak after injection. Roughly 8 hrs after peak, he pulled a 1341....i dont know how much of a decrease that would be t is high...overall, #'s arent great but too say for sure we would need a better timed draw....
That's not low at all, doesn't matter what you're baseline or "starting" test levels were...

Nice bloodwork, other than the estrogen, I would drop the ai or cut dose in half...
That's not low at all, doesn't matter what you're baseline or "starting" test levels were...

Nice bloodwork, other than the estrogen, I would drop the ai or cut dose in half...
I diddnt think it was bad at all either. I feel great and see significant strength and weight increase and overall feel more then satisfied at this dose. I'll draw bloods at a better schedual next time but I will cut the AI in half and see what happens. Thanks for the feedback
I get a similar number from 200mg Watson prescribed cyp pw, split into 2 doses, 84 hrs after a 100mg pin (3.5 days). Normally around 1,100 tt. It should be 10x the last dose for me 3.5 days post pin.
For what it's worth @KoreanGuy (dispite the fact you think the test is bunk/underdosed what ever) I'm more then happy with the product. 6 weeks in a recomp (hence the "low" 400mg week dose ) 6 pound muscle gain, 7 pound fat loss 4% drop in Bf. Like I said I'm not disappointed or in question of any of this


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Regardless of if the results are low, accurate or high, your test levels are quadruple what your baseline numbers were so you're sure as hell gonna feel better and make gains. That's the most important part