
I just found here on Meso, a recent lab max on my var:

ironwill1951 , also a well known member here used my oils and he can attest the quality.

Anyway, I'll encourage more of my customers to labmax or mass spec the products.

Also, I'm the process of sending some samples to some experienced members from here so I'm sure you'll have plenty of objective reviews soon to come.

For any other further questions feel free to contact me!
Hey what's up guys I've made an order with Pharmacom last friday and the payment has been accepted yesterday.

Darius has been answering all my questions on a timely manner since sunday, it seems as if he has stopped answering the moment he got the payment. I dont want to seem paranoid and understand he's busy so I'm going to be patient.

I'll keep you guys up to date with my experience with pharmacom. I ordered 1x Test e which has received alot of critic lately, arimidex and clomid.
I'll also do bloodworks at the start, 5 weeks in and 9 weeks/end.
I could have missed it but i see u just joined, you should start in the new member section and introduce youself, then do some reading, and then after about a week to 10 days from Sunday u should have ur shit, payment was excepted yesterday, what more do you want from him
I will do that. Ive already done a lot of reading, been lurkung for a while.

I don't expect anymore of him, just a confirmation would be nice.
Hey what's up guys I've made an order with Pharmacom last friday and the payment has been accepted yesterday.

Darius has been answering all my questions on a timely manner since sunday, it seems as if he has stopped answering the moment he got the payment. I dont want to seem paranoid and understand he's busy so I'm going to be patient.

I'll keep you guys up to date with my experience with pharmacom. I ordered 1x Test e which has received alot of critic lately, arimidex and clomid.
I'll also do bloodworks at the start, 5 weeks in and 9 weeks/end.

All the e-mails and when I say ALL, i mean it, are replied within 12 hours. Including weekends or holidays even if we're on a different time zone. I'm permanently involved in dealing with my customers and processing the orders.

You should check your SPAM/JUNK folder. If your payment was accepted it will be shipped within 24 hours.

If your payment wasn't picked up several hours after you sent us the info most probably the transaction had a transfer limit (2-3 days) or the bank had a delay in releasing the funds.

I await your update regarding the shipping confirmation and also a full review/log of your cycle.

we'll keep in touch!
I could have missed it but i see u just joined, you should start in the new member section and introduce youself, then do some reading, and then after about a week to 10 days from Sunday u should have ur shit, payment was excepted yesterday, what more do you want from him
Jesus Christ, Roc, I'd like your help in either smacking this kid around or helping me by giving me the Kevorkian treatment. Fuck. I hate him already and brutus wants me to be nice to the new guys? I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet @brutus79 says I'm grandfathered in and can keep my shitty attitude and use my discretion when it comes to shitting on noobs. It's why guys like me anyhow...all except, burr, that is.
Hey new guy who thinks he's doing something you have any idea how to give a decent review? I don't wanna hear how you're afraid of the dark and how you're concerned that you didn't wake up this morning with darius spooning you and you believe he should have his hard dick press up against and wedged between your ass cheeks. Ummm k?
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I will do that. Ive already done a lot of reading, been lurkung for a while.

I don't expect anymore of him, just a confirmation would be nice.

I'm confirming we probably shouldn't be giving this member any attention. He shouldn't be allowed to order a pizza never mind schedule 3 aas.
I'm confirming we probably shouldn't be giving this member any attention. He shouldn't be allowed to order a pizza never mind schedule 3 aas.

This is my first time ordering and Ill happily admit to any mistakes ive made. Can you help me to become a good member like you?
Jesus Christ, Roc, I'd like your help in either smacking this kid around or helping me by giving me the Kevorkian treatment. Fuck. I hate him already and brutus wants me to be nice to the new guys? I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet @brutus79 says I'm grandfathered in and can keep my shitty attitude and use my discretion when it comes to shitting on noobs. It's why guys like me anyhow...all except, burr, that is.
Hey new guy who thinks he's doing something you have any idea how to give a decent review? I don't wanna hear how you're afraid of the dark and how you're concerned that you didn't wake up this morning with darius spooning you and you believe he should have his hard dick press up against and wedged between your ass cheeks. Ummm k?

Alright I'll be more patient. No I don't know how to write a good review but I'll do my best and learn from it.
@biggerben69 i guess we grew up a little different then some of these guys, I kinda grew up with a code system, keep ur mouth shut and don't ask to many questions, Darius has some patience, he just picked the money up, why would you act like an asswhole when he has ur money, you didnt even give him a chance to take your money, this isnt a coke deal from six blocks over, yeah your paranoid, give him a chance to bubble wrap it nice, just for you, then he'll personally deliver it to you in less than 5 hrs, from Europe
Also maybe hang out a bit, add to conversations don't recommend anyone or offer reviews, build up some credability among some of the members get to know them, that might be a good start, but dont listen to me, i mean im only here a few months myself, just a little advise, if not im going to enjoy BB monkey dunkin your ass all over this board
Aight thanks bro, I appreciate you being real with me. I guess I do come off as paranoid, but im new to the game, I figured id feel safer if i posted every update here in the forum.
Aight thanks bro, I appreciate you being real with me. I guess I do come off as paranoid, but im new to the game, I figured id feel safer if i posted every update here in the forum.
One thing you'll want to avoid doing is giving a play by play as far as when you sent funds and how they were sent. Your posts are time stamped. Avoid the following...."I just got back from 7/11. They sell MP(or I just got back from sending WU from 7/11) If ip22 can, through obtaining your IP addy tell you where you live LE can also)
Don't post that the "tracking # says my pack got to my post office this morning and the usps website says my gear is out for delivery! Can't wait to pin after lunch!"
Don't describe how the sourcer packs up his gear in order to help avoid detection. Specifics such as I've posted aren't necessary and are downright reckless.