Pharmaqo Labs

Évek óta rendelek Kínából, Indiából és más országokból, de mindig közvetlenül a gyártótól! Nagyon-nagyon ritkán fordul elő, hogy az európai vámnál elakad a csomag, de a csomagkövetésből ezt látom, de ebben az esetben ezt nem lehet látni! Illetve ebben az esetben természetesen visszaküldésre kerül, mert a termékek előállítása egy gyártónak maximum a normál ár 10%-a! Lemásolom az egyik gyártó visszaszállítási szabályzatát vám által lefoglalt termék esetén: „ Vámos csomag

Ingyenes visszaszállításra akkor kerül sor, ha az ügyfél bemutatja a csomag vám általi lefoglalását igazoló okmányt (lefoglalási levél), vagy ha a csomagot visszaküldi a feladónak.

Ha a csomag vámhatósági lefoglalását igazoló dokumentumot nem adják át, és a csomagot nem küldik vissza a feladónak, ingyenes visszaszállítás nem történik meg. „

CI145885517DE ebből a csomagkövetési számból jól látszik, hogy október 20-a óta még nem indult el a csomag és nem látszik a vámlefoglalás!
Little Tokyo
Could you please let members see your profile... by not tells us your hiding things.
Not every trusting that's for sure.

Calling someone Mr (*****breath) basically announcing your a shill for another company.
To be fair he's right. This isn't the first time mr dickhead PQR tried to scam customers. I have no idea why people still order from him and international orders even, when there is a european reseller on here.

Take 5 random pages on this thread and see how incompetent this source is.

Im very sorry @szocsa87 but i think your money is gone forever.
To be fair he's right. This isn't the first time mr dickhead PQR tried to scam customers. I have no idea why people still order from him and international orders even, when there is a european reseller on here.

Take 5 random pages on this thread and see how incompetent this source is.

Im very sorry @szocsa87 but i think your money is gone forever.
I haven't had such a problem with it in the last 3 years! But it's obvious now that my BOGO package hasn't started! I hope you will find this bug and start the missing package!
I haven't had such a problem with it in the last 3 years! But it's obvious now that my BOGO package hasn't started! I hope you will find this bug and start the missing package!
Likely not going to happen.
Very unfortunate indeed, like mentioed above.
Everywhere they post and you can post back, send a message and show your truth that's all that can be done.
The more they are bogged down by this the more attention they eventually have to deal with.
As the old saying goes "treat 1 person bad and 100 others will know, treat 1 person good and no one knows"
Is MrP or anyone from PQ even responding anymore?

I also have two orders placed over a month ago with no status update or communication from Pharmaqo.

What’s going on here?
Is MrP or anyone from PQ even responding anymore?

I also have two orders placed over a month ago with no status update or communication from Pharmaqo.

What’s going on here?
Do you have the emails of purchase made from them?
You would have gotten them when you ordered.
Backing up your accusations is how proof is created and holds the ugl accountable.
Here say doesn't prove anything. Always remeber everyone can see how many post you've made which indicates if your trusted or not.
Do you have the emails of purchase made from them?
You would have gotten them when you ordered.
Backing up your accusations is how proof is created and holds the ugl accountable.
Here say doesn't prove anything. Always remeber everyone can see how many post you've made which indicates if your trusted or not.

Oh yeah, I’ve got records of the purchase, emails from PQ confirming order was completed. The shipping label was created but no package was sent, similar to the other guy.

I’m not yet ready to say PQ is scamming, as they typically are delayed December/January, but they usually do respond during that time.

Maybe it’s the beginning of the end for PQ but they have a chance to save this and start responding to people.

No response at all is concerning.
Oh yeah, I’ve got records of the purchase, emails from PQ confirming order was completed. The shipping label was created but no package was sent, similar to the other guy.

I’m not yet ready to say PQ is scamming, as they typically are delayed December/January, but they usually do respond during that time.

Maybe it’s the beginning of the end for PQ but they have a chance to save this and start responding to people.

No response at all is concerning.
Well as others have said out the labs and make them work for you. You don't work for them...
Force the hand for a response, if they get angry well that's in them and it will be seen on this fourm as such.

Like I said above ^ post the information you have, so all can see that confirms that you certainly did order, and pay and totally leaves it in the hands of

Oh yeah, I’ve got records of the purchase, emails from PQ confirming order was completed. The shipping label was created but no package was sent, similar to the other guy.

I’m not yet ready to say PQ is scamming, as they typically are delayed December/January, but they usually do respond during that time.

Maybe it’s the beginning of the end for PQ but they have a chance to save this and start responding to people.

No response at all is concerning.
@Mr.PQR should be responding to you even if he knows nothing even just to say it's coming but might be late.

I personally have had 3 orders from China (not from MrMr.PQR) a different supplier. The same time frame as you.
Even 1 order Dec 12th got to me Dec 23
Fellas, newer here but in the same boat with Pharmaqo and MrP. BOGO order a month ago. Domestic products to USA. Payment went through on 12/8, USPS tracking, but no movement...waiting for package. Emailed several times and nada. Funny though, placed a second BOGO order with just HGH a week after and that arrived over a week ago. Maybe overrun after the BOGO sale is what I'm hoping, but at least reach out to keep comms open.
Fellas, newer here but in the same boat with Pharmaqo and MrP. BOGO order a month ago. Domestic products to USA. Payment went through on 12/8, USPS tracking, but no movement...waiting for package. Emailed several times and nada. Funny though, placed a second BOGO order with just HGH a week after and that arrived over a week ago. Maybe overrun after the BOGO sale is what I'm hoping, but at least reach out to keep comms open.
Can you post up your order bill and photos of what you got.

Mr.P contacted me yesterday! He wrote that the package was reserved before arriving in Europe, so I can't see it, but he is sending the package again! I am currently waiting for package tracking!