Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Anyone currently running the pink tops?I am running Opti’s and pretty happy so far but looking to stock up and wondering what to buy
I’m also running opti. And his sale his hard to beat right now but if you do pull the trigger on the pinks I’ll be following your thoughts
Are you guys using armodafinil to fight sleepiness ?
I usually have poor and irregular sleep but it gets worse on cycle, tried T4 while on GH with only moderate success and atm dropped both T4 and GH but I´m a bit of a sleepy wreck, wouldn´t mind feeling sharper during next cycle.

Our customer Den84 send to test our DHB, soon will be posted results. Results find a mistake of our RAW supplier. They send DHB no ester, instead DHB cypionate ester.
So, DHB in our pricelist is NO ESTER kind of DHB, will be re-classified. Result is 79mg when our label claims 75mg, so its perfectly dosed.

Just now ordered new raw material, DHB with Cypionate ester.

So ALL DHB sold so far has been no ester? I bought some from the first batch a while back.
For the promos 3 + 1 free.. Are you throwing in a free item of your choosing or will it be the cheapest out of the 4 we pick?