Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

This is probably your plan already but I say give it more time. Orals personally seem to take longer for me to get going. I usually run at least six weeks for that reason, while I have a close friend who is running dbol right now who has made serious change in only 3 weeks.

Also that is a decent dose of aromatase inhibitor considering youre using only slightly over replacement level of test. You're probably holding off some of the quick water weight gains but should still make some slower, cleaner gains. With water weight it's easy come easy go, dissipating quickly once the dbol is out of the picture. I actually prefer to use dbol this way. YMMV.
I have read so much conflicting info on aromasin. Im thinking of backing off to 12.5mg e3d i ha e been kinda lethargic lately thinking my estro might b low... will be getting bloods in a week so i will know then but will the aromasin be effective e3d?
I have read so much conflicting info on aromasin. Im thinking of backing off to 12.5mg e3d i ha e been kinda lethargic lately thinking my estro might b low... will be getting bloods in a week so i will know then but will the aromasin be effective e3d?
Hold dosing the same until blood draw to get a clearer picture. But after that, I would think e3d would be fine. Not sure of half life of aromasin off top of my head. But I've ran test/tren cycle with only 300 mg test and I used .5 adex only twice a week. I'd take it whenever I pinned, and never had any issues.
Can't have high prolactin without high estrogen.

If you've got high prolactin, you have already lost because you failed to get bloodwork done to keep your E in check!
i thought dopamine is what kept prolactin in check.
no one is supplementing with L-Dopa here other than me?
Hold dosing the same until blood draw to get a clearer picture. But after that, I would think e3d would be fine. Not sure of half life of aromasin off top of my head. But I've ran test/tren cycle with only 300 mg test and I used .5 adex only twice a week. I'd take it whenever I pinned, and never had any issues.

Aromasin half life = 24 hours
Aghhh who is right! Half life would mean it's half the org. Dose. Therefore remaining in the body. So either way depending on how you react Eod would be a pretty correct dosing schedule.
Really depends on A. When you start it. B. How you react to it. C. Diet. D. Mgs.
E. What compounds and what doses of those compounds.

Wouldn't it be easier to get bloods know your baseline, then start your cycle an if it's longer easter say Test E start your dosing at 12.5 mg E3d. On the 7th or 8th day after 1st shot. To never let your estrogen rise to begin with. But shit like Dbol you pretty much have to have that higher conversion because most of what people are looking for in dbol is in fact a result of the high estro conversion...shit idk could be way wrong. So please let me know.

An i know it varies on the individual just like tt results. Age,weight,diet, etc..
While I can't comment on the quality as this is only my second pin in my cruise, I want anyone to know that the galenika cyp is thick af. Just putting out the info cause drawing it is a pain with a smaller gauge needle.
For anyone reading that doesn't know. Just google search "Aromasin Pharmacokinetics". The half-life is 24 hours.
What article are you reading? The terminal half life in MALES in that study is just shy of 9 hrs, whereas, females reported up to 27 hrs.
While I can't comment on the quality as this is only my second pin in my cruise, I want anyone to know that the galenika cyp is thick af. Just putting out the info cause drawing it is a pain with a smaller gauge needle.
Whats the carrier? I think i read somewhere it was olive oil...