I know this should go over in the testing threads but just for quick reference.
Labmax of own brand DECA which appears to be a pass.
I'm honest about my feelings about labmax and it's limitations but every vial gets tested. I've tested various brands and they all differ to a degree but the matt green or green tends to be consistent.
Oil is extremely thin which I've never seen before but if it's dosed correctly and has the correct compound then happy days.
One shot, no PIP so now it's a case of seeing how it goes.
I'm one of the freaks who can take DECA on it's own and still get wood, and good energy levels...love the stuff and so do my joints.
Salbutamol 10mg pressed tabs, half a tab first thing. Sides seem consistent with what I've read. Taking ketotifen and a shot of espresso is a nice addition. Not altered the diet too much just dropped carbs very marginally, slow and steady but combo seems to be doing the trick.
Tadafinil 40mg pressed tabs, such a subjective compound so very difficult to gauge. I tend to echo previous views. My expectations dropping a full tab would be the little fella would explode but not quite. Price was worth a punt.
Not an endorsement, just my view, all said and done, early days but happy enough so far. If the DECA turns out good then defo happy days.