Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

What's it's main redeeming qualities? I'm interested. Good for a recomp?
Bro superdrol is hands down the best thing for putting on lean mass. It would be great for recomp. It's like anadrol with zero bloat and the hardness of masteron. You should really try it just don't take more than 30mg per day and for less than 4 weeks
Ahaha thank you. I don't hide I am a newbie in this context. Anyway, I'd like to try it once.. who knows
Mos def. If you plan on sticking around it's a great board and you will most certainly like it. There's much more to it other then sources too. Peep the training forums. Those are the best. Also, if you introduce yourself in the introduction thread people will get to know you. That will make it even better for you to learn all sorts of cool shit. Welcome.

The Bull
Yes I read something else also, thanks. Apart from collateral effects, do you think it is really better than Stanzonolol?

You got a lot of learning to do if you think Winny is the best steroid and even remotely comparing Superdrol to it.:confused::confused::confused::confused:
Superdrol is badass but some people have bad liver values in response to it. It's exaggerated in some places, but it still happens. I'd suggest not to exceed 4 weeks for sure.
Sounds fuckn cool! Im having a vision of The Bull all jacked and vascular my 4th week in;)
Fucksticks and fingerbangers as far as the eye can see:rolleyes:
Ready for the Bull to lay some pipe:)
Yes I read something else also, thanks. Apart from collateral effects, do you think it is really better than Stanzonolol?
There is no comparing the two. Superdrol is the ultimate steroid period. Nothing else compares.
Thanks to The Bull and jackbladezzz for your welcome messages. I will follow your advices then, I will introduce myself in the proper section (I am going to gym right now). I'll stay around, thanks again ;)
Honestly, now that I think ab it, I kind of agree w @Just Fish. I've seen the quickest, hardest gains on most of my friends when the took fucking superdrol. This obviously isn't the best long term, but for popularity and what the majority of users 'want', he's right, I'm surprised it's not waaaaaay more popular.
Sounds fuckn cool! Im having a vision of The Bull all jacked and vascular my 4th week in;)
Fucksticks and fingerbangers as far as the eye can see:rolleyes:
Ready for the Bull to lay some pipe:)
What that shit does in 4 weeks is simply amazing. Even very experienced gear heads are completely shocked by what it does. I really don't understand why anyone would use any other oral. The only reason for not using it would be if you were trying to make weight for a fight or something. I've even seen guys like you that have used a bunch of gear gain 10lbs of ripped solid muscle in 4 weeks