Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Dude he's missing his fucking dominant arm. Give it 48 hours, you're buying classed drugs, not a cheeseburger

Some of these dudes are retarded. Even as little as 3 years ago, most sources I bought from would barely even communicate, you just pay and your shit shows up. And if you sent an email, a 3-5 day turnaround is not a big deal whatsoever, people get busy.

Some of you guys who are 'worried' over 1-2 days simply not responding to an email need to get a fucking grip. Not to mention after he explicitly says IM HAVING SURGERY and doesn't just go MIA. Are you guys on edge he doesn't have a 24/7 1800 number for you as well? Sources would fuck you over in the past for hassling them like this. Chill the fuck out with your needy ass nature.
Ok i just was expecting payment confirmation i dont know how he does his thing.
Ull be alright....from what ive seen hes quicker on the pm's than far as payment concerns, id pm him after three full days prolly....also his timezone has him active in the am here, so a message at 4pm wont get a response till 6am the next morning....
Some of these dudes are retarded. Even as little as 3 years ago, most sources I bought from would barely even communicate, you just pay and your shit shows up. And if you sent an email, a 3-5 day turnaround is not a big deal whatsoever, people get busy.

Some of you guys who are 'worried' over 1-2 days simply not responding to an email need to get a fucking grip. Not to mention after he explicitly says IM HAVING SURGERY and doesn't just go MIA. Are you guys on edge he doesn't have a 24/7 1800 number for you as well? Sources would fuck you over in the past for hassling them like this. Chill the fuck out with your needy ass nature.
I suppose is live and learn brother i just assumed there was a payment confirmation after payment clear. I just wanted to make sure my payment went thru.
Some of these dudes are retarded. Even as little as 3 years ago, most sources I bought from would barely even communicate, you just pay and your shit shows up. And if you sent an email, a 3-5 day turnaround is not a big deal whatsoever, people get busy.

Some of you guys who are 'worried' over 1-2 days simply not responding to an email need to get a fucking grip. Not to mention after he explicitly says IM HAVING SURGERY and doesn't just go MIA. Are you guys on edge he doesn't have a 24/7 1800 number for you as well? Sources would fuck you over in the past for hassling them like this. Chill the fuck out with your needy ass nature.
I concur. A lot of us have experience in the illicit drug arena. So, even with weed, if a dude says ill call you when I hook up and u txt him every hour you get passed over for bustin his balls...
I suppose is live and learn brother i just assumed there was a payment confirmation after payment clear. I just wanted to make sure my payment went thru.
Honestly idk with this guy, generally websites give payment confirmation and I had one e-mail only guy say, I rcvd payment ur shit will be mailed in a day or two. Not always a confirmation number and tracking. So long as ur cool, which u seem to be, its all good. If u dont get answers someone will speak on ur behalf cuz these guys help n protect each other as long as ur not a completely disrespectful selfish narcisisstic delusions of grandeur asshole like a handful of lads on here.....