Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Why are you calling on Millard and PS to test this RIGHT THIS MOMENT!?

What at opportune time for PS to make a perfect batch to pass the test and then go back to his half assed ways with his oils. (Anything could happen).

The purpose of Anaboliclab is to remain ANONYMOUS and to have the samples tested RANDOMLY over TIME. Kind of hard to do if you are "ordering" a test.

Okay so we test one batch whoopty doo... are we going to consistently test every batch? These sources make money hand over fist (no offense to them). With your conspiracy theory.... who's to say his first couple of batches are 100% and the rest are underdosed... not his fault. Sources buy the same raws. There's nothing different about them. The only difference is who's cutting the raws... but from what I see there's no benefit as of late to cut raws.

We also need to start testing domestic sources. A lot of guys don't buy international because the fear of customs.
I agree with you.

Just want to make sure that we do not compromise the testing method in order to reach our goals. :)

I totally understand. The testing is great and it set a standard for international sources. It put PCOM on the map and it made Naps into a hot blonde whore with a nasty case of invisible herpes lol. Who could honestly resist buying GP and Dragon Pharma when you see batches overdosed?

Okay back on topic... Lab testing on Pharmasource.
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He's perfectly fine in my book but we are trying to get this testing going before anything happens. We all know it's a matter of time before something goes wrong or something is questioned.

I buy almost everything through him. Right now there's nothing wrong with his lines and we wanna keep it that way. Why is that in your eyes making it look we are saying his shits bunk? We aren't. If people who just ordered can't read and understand that we're just taking precautions then fuck them. It's for their benefit and mine.

I'm not arguing with your making personal stabs. The questions I ask are not sarcastic or latorical. Im really interested in why you think that we are saying anything bad?

I'm not saying what you're saying about testing is bad. It would be great to have more testing, I've said this over and over.

But since Paul came on here, you got guys who are acting like PS all of the sudden has bunk shit just because the testing isn't what we would eventually like. That's retarded.

PharmaSource has went from 0% worthy, to his current 80% worthy and can do some final steps to become 95% worthy. It's a process that takes some time, especially when you're asking a source to shell out from his own profits for what we're asking. All of the sudden Paul posts and you guys act like PS has lost all credibility until he gets tested by AL. What?

I'm really not trying to sound like I'm shilling for a source, but this has just become silly. And what I consider more ridiculous is the faith you guys are putting on other people testing. So what, you expect testing to be done every 2 months on every single powder he gets? You know how expensive that would be? How long will you be content with test results when they come through?

If I was buying bulk from PS I'd do my own personal testing for the shit that's in my hand so I'm 100% sure what's up. How this is not more effective and accurate is beyond me. There's NO outside variables to influence what you're in possession of.
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I'm not saying what you're saying about testing is bad. It would be great to have more testing, I've said this over and over.

But since Paul came on here, you got guys who are acting like PS all of the sudden has bunk shit just because the testing isn't what we would eventually like. That's retarded.

PharmaSource has went from 0% worthy, to his current 80% worthy and can do some final steps to become 95% worthy. It's a process that takes some time, especially when you're asking a source to shell out from his own profits for what we're asking. All of the sudden Paul posts and you guys act like PS has lost all credibility until he gets tested by AL. What?

I'm really not trying to sound like I'm shilling for a source, but this has just become silly. And what I consider more ridiculous is the faith you guys are putting on other people testing. So what, you expect testing to be done every 2 months on every single powder he gets? You know how expensive that would be? How long will you be content with test results when they come through?

If I was buying bulk from PS I'd do my own personal testing for the shit that's in my hand so I'm 100% sure what's up. How this is not more effective and accurate is beyond me. There's NO outside variables to influence what you're in possession of.
Are in the US?
I'm not saying what you're saying about testing is bad. It would be great to have more testing, I've said this over and over.

But since Paul came on here, you got guys who are acting like PS all of the sudden has bunk shit just because the testing isn't what we would eventually like. That's retarded.

PharmaSource has went from 0% worthy, to his current 80% worthy and can do some final steps to become 95% worthy. It's a process that takes some time, especially when you're asking a source to shell out from his own profits for what we're asking. All of the sudden Paul posts and you guys act like PS has lost all credibility until he gets tested by AL. What?

I'm really not trying to sound like I'm shilling for a source, but this has just become silly. And what I consider more ridiculous is the faith you guys are putting on other people testing. So what, you expect testing to be done every 2 months on every single powder he gets? You know how expensive that would be? How long will you be content with test results when they come through?

If I was buying bulk from PS I'd do my own personal testing for the shit that's in my hand so I'm 100% sure what's up. How this is not more effective and accurate is beyond me. There's NO outside variables to influence what you're in possession of.
He hasn't lost credibility. I myself got carried away and forgot to continue to pursue more testing to be done. That's all. Just a little miss communication between us then.
I'm moreso trying to say that despite where any of these tests are done.....this is only going to solve a short term problem and on a limited amount of products. Do you see how many different Raws he has? No source on this planet is going to pay to send in EVERY single one, every few months. And that's the ONLY way you'd get your 'for sure' answer that the shit is good to good to go.

What I'm suggesting is, if you're buying bulk, fork over the dough and have it tested yourself. You will have 100000% certainty what's happening. And if there was any issue (at least as far as PS track record is concerned thus far), he seems like he would sort it out. Good sources sometimes don't even know their raw was sub par this go round. I just find this to be exponentially greater at sorting out the dilemma that is bothering some of you.

And as a last thing.....Despite how much money a source makes....don't kid yourself that we won't be paying for extra testing cost. Nothing is for free. No dealer is going to take a $1k loss per month to simply please us with extra testing. No he's going to up his prices to make it all equal out and in the long run you're honestly not getting much more conclusive evidence that what's currently supplied.
I'm moreso trying to say that despite where any of these tests are done.....this is only going to solve a short term problem and on a limited amount of products. Do you see how many different Raws he has? No source on this planet is going to pay to send in EVERY single one, every few months. And that's the ONLY way you'd get your 'for sure' answer that the shit is good to good to go.

What I'm suggesting is, if you're buying bulk, fork over the dough and have it tested yourself. You will have 100000% certainty what's happening. And if there was any issue (at least as far as PS track record is concerned thus far), he seems like he would sort it out. Good sources sometimes don't even know their raw was sub par this go round. I just find this to be exponentially greater at sorting out the dilemma that is bothering some of you.

And as a last thing.....Despite how much money a source makes....don't kid yourself that we won't be paying for extra testing cost. Nothing is for free. No dealer is going to take a $1k loss per month to simply please us with extra testing. No he's going to up his prices to make it all equal out and in the long run you're honestly not getting much more conclusive evidence that what's currently supplied.

Yeah but that 1k per month on testing can quadruple his earnings by giving everyone a peace of mind. How would you feel if you have to mega dose something in order to get the benefits of a single dose.... we as the consumer are paying more than what we should. Granted this is underground stuff so we should count our blessings but I still feel it's a good business practice to sell the very best.
If @pharmasource has it in him he can be the second coming....... all I hear about is how 24k had the best of the best and his TNE was hands down the best and everything else. Was it by luck? By chance? Great raws he came upon? Yeah all of that and maybe he knew that and before he went to shit he quietly left with his balls intact.

@pharmasource looks like he's in for the Big Game.... if he's going down with the ship he should optimize his business practice by sacrificing what he can and donating for each of his raws tested from each batch.

Look, he already has Waaaaay better T/A than any source. His customer service is unbelievable and he looks hungry. Even when he says he's on vacation the guy is answering emails and getting shit done.

All i'm saying is if he's smart he will take a step back and realize this has serious potential for him and it will only broaden his customer base. Also, when we know something is good. We are inclined to spend more. So it only benefits the source. You need to spend money to make money.
Okay so we test one batch whoopty doo... are we going to consistently test every batch? These sources make money hand over fist (no offense to them). With your conspiracy theory.... who's to say his first couple of batches are 100% and the rest are underdosed... not his fault. Sources buy the same raws. There's nothing different about them. The only difference is who's cutting the raws... but from what I see there's no benefit as of late to cut raws.

We also need to start testing domestic sources. A lot of guys don't buy international because the fear of customs.

Conspiracy theory? It's about ensuring quality over TIME.

Much like drug testing... which is likely to ensure compliance? Me telling you the date and time you are getting tested or me telling you I'm going to test you RANDOMLY sometime in the near future?
In a period of less than 72 hours this thread has turned from people talking ab how quick they receive orders, praising pharmsource, positive feedback from multiple people, a blood test or two, Lab work done on several products, no complaints....

To demanding tests RIGHT now and questioning if his house oils are legit for ZERO reason whatsoever, making guys who just ordered weary ab legitimacy and acting as if we've just found out all his powders were lactose. :D:D:D:D
I'm moreso trying to say that despite where any of these tests are done.....this is only going to solve a short term problem and on a limited amount of products. Do you see how many different Raws he has? No source on this planet is going to pay to send in EVERY single one, every few months. And that's the ONLY way you'd get your 'for sure' answer that the shit is good to good to go.

What I'm suggesting is, if you're buying bulk, fork over the dough and have it tested yourself. You will have 100000% certainty what's happening. And if there was any issue (at least as far as PS track record is concerned thus far), he seems like he would sort it out. Good sources sometimes don't even know their raw was sub par this go round. I just find this to be exponentially greater at sorting out the dilemma that is bothering some of you.

And as a last thing.....Despite how much money a source makes....don't kid yourself that we won't be paying for extra testing cost. Nothing is for free. No dealer is going to take a $1k loss per month to simply please us with extra testing. No he's going to up his prices to make it all equal out and in the long run you're honestly not getting much more conclusive evidence that what's currently supplied.
I was asking if you were stateside cuz I'm unaware of a way to test our own products unless we are willing to attempt to send them overseas and even then i only know of the controversial testing guy that would take business from individuals.
My thing is pharmasource has came through this far and has gave an effort on getting testing done. What people don't realize is the testing takes time getting it sent off, tested, then Receiving the results. How much time? I have no idea. Secondly, everyone asks for pics of lab setup and I haven't been around very long but besides potg testing all his stuff (even his var suspension came in underdosed on AL) pharmasource is the only one I've seen post pics of his lab equipment. Does this make everything gtg? Of course not but at least he stated trying to meet the demands and requests of us members.
Is there a reason why AL can't test.?Imo all sources here should support this effort

Anaboliclab is the ONLY reason the quality we see today is so much better than it was 2-3 tears ago.

Every source says they test product. They don't.
AL can test. The problem is it is an anonymous purchase this is not something that the source can just pay for or request. You should be talking to Millard about this
I think it's comical that the people demanding anabolic lab testing have no banners smh. With the amount of money that is collected for testing through anabolic lab I am very surprised at the minimal testing personally. Check the anabolic lab funding section. If I had that much money in donations there would be a hell of a lot more testing. It costs like 300$ to test a product and they collected 59,000$. Do the math