Why are you calling on Millard and PS to test this RIGHT THIS MOMENT!?
What at opportune time for PS to make a perfect batch to pass the test and then go back to his half assed ways with his oils. (Anything could happen).
The purpose of Anaboliclab is to remain ANONYMOUS and to have the samples tested RANDOMLY over TIME. Kind of hard to do if you are "ordering" a test.
Okay so we test one batch whoopty doo... are we going to consistently test every batch? These sources make money hand over fist (no offense to them). With your conspiracy theory.... who's to say his first couple of batches are 100% and the rest are underdosed... not his fault. Sources buy the same raws. There's nothing different about them. The only difference is who's cutting the raws... but from what I see there's no benefit as of late to cut raws.
We also need to start testing domestic sources. A lot of guys don't buy international because the fear of customs.