Some feedback for you guys as I know PCT and gyno stuff you don't like to fuck around on:
1mg ED of the Sandoz Anastrozole wasn't keeping my estrogen in check. Was starting to get knotty, had tenderness and it was noticeable through my shirts. Anastrozole in the past has always been fine for me, I just take as a preventative measure at 0.5 EOD. So I was dosing this at FOUR times my normal dosage and experiencing gyno issues. However, before somebody else says it, without bloods being pulled I obviously can't say with certainty that the Sandoz Anastrozole wasn't good. Just really odd to me though.
On the flip side, I ordered his Cipla Letro to kill it, dosing it at 2.5mg ED and within 2 weeks it's almost back down to normal. I *can* say with certainty, without bloodwork, that the Cipla Letro is good shit (even with a past expiration date). My knees are dry as fuck :'(