Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

anyone know if their own brand tren E is good? Wanting to order when he comes back since its so cheap. Or does someone else have another EU source for cheap tren E.
while speculation is pointless id say on the positive side that the fact he notified us of an issue and to stop placing orders rather than letting people carry on ordering at least gives some hope its not a cut and run type situation as if that were the case id think itd be in his interest to just let people keep ordering for the next week or 2 oblivious to any problems? like i say though, its all just speculation right now
while speculation is pointless id say on the positive side that the fact he notified us of an issue and to stop placing orders rather than letting people carry on ordering at least gives some hope its not a cut and run type situation as if that were the case id think itd be in his interest to just let people keep ordering for the next week or 2 oblivious to any problems? like i say though, its all just speculation right now
I wouldn't speculate that it is a cut and run. Based off their track record they appear to be smart people. This would have to be the worst executed cut and run in history. Cutting off orders and notifying members they are shutting down. What are you thinking?
I have not been paying attention to outher sources for a while now and this threw me off. I was just waiting for further instructions. Like mentioned earlier, he had particular items that I do not believe are offered elsewhere. Dammit I have to read through pages and pages. Unless someone knows were a certain product that was mentioned earlier that curbs appetite , and 1 test cyp.
Fucks sake if you re read my post that's exactly what I just said!
I'm not going to debate something trivial here. But you write "at least givessome hope its not a cut and run typesituation" which is directly implying that more hope is given to the fact he is cut and running. Your post is all over the place and screams of you thinking he is. But hey who knows I just don't see any evidence whatsoever.
obviously my "screams" have been misunderstood, it was hardly all over the place but to make it clear then i was simply saying that there was no point speculating hes gone forever like a few people had implied in earlier posts .
Ripping people off and being gone forever are two completely different things where I live. It seems you were the only one posting about him ripping people off.
Ripping people off and being gone forever are two completely different things where I live. It seems you were the only one posting about him ripping people off.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit huh? Lol
@shady stated that the fact he notified us to stop ordering gives hope it's not a cut and run, because if he was going to cut and run he'd just let orders keep flowing in.

So essentially @shady is saying that it's NOT likely a cut and run situation. At no point does his statement say that PS is going to be ripping anyone off..
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit huh? Lol
@shady stated that the fact he notified us to stop ordering gives hope it's not a cut and run, because if he was going to cut and run he'd just let orders keep flowing in.

So essentially @shady is saying that it's NOT likely a cut and run situation. At no point does his statement say that PS is going to be ripping anyone off..
Your missing my point there slick. But there's no reason clogging this thread with back and forth, so I'm done.
ok well suffice to say i didnt mean to imply he was ripping off people at all in fact the opposite but apologies if i made it look that way.