Great! Thanks.
Community service time:
Next week I’ll do the second blood test while on 250 mg test e (Magnus) week, 100 tren ace eod (alternated between Magnus and Swiss to compare those two), 50mg var and 50 mg Winnie ed (I’ll keep on with those two because I’m curious about liver stress, but I’ll drop them right after cause I’m tired of those pumps), 500 IU SV HCG wk, plus some phen, Telmisartan and salbutamol but those won’t result in any specific value (AI: using CIPLA Letrozole quarter of a pill eod), will also update community about my Body Fat (with hospital exam) cause it dropped ridiculously fast with only 350/450 kCal deficit.
Pre cycle E2: 16/30
Previous (4th wk) E2 (be careful, I was on deca 500 test e 250 PS Adex 0.5 eod): 36/30
Natural test levels: high end of the range, over 900.
Previous test levels: I can’t find the sheet cause I’m dumb and didn’t stapled them ffs, I think that it was around 1100, I’ll search my post.
Little question: is it reasonable to add next week 100 mg mast eod for 6 weeks supporting it with test p 100 eod and tren 100 eod? (For a total of 9 tren weeks)