Pharmatech Labs - Tested - Looking for opinions?

Heavy Bingleman

New Member
Hello all,

I ran some of this Pharmatech labs gear about a couple months ago. I put on ton of muscle and got from a reliable source. I really liked the gear. I just wonder some more information about it because i felt nothing on it, took 100mg of anadrol ed, test e, tren e. I put on some really clean muscle, about 20-25lbs in 10 weeks.

Do any of you guys recognize this vial? or maybe knows the source? thanks guys


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I just did some research, i guess gears 365 sells it.... and the reputation it has is shit! Im not buying from them... it must have been under-dosed!

Im trying to get in contact with Astro.. no luck :(
it works... but its under dosed thats for sure. I ran almost 1000mg of tren a week, felt nothing. But had gains.

thats shit to me