Phlebotomy with regular hematocrit?


New Member
I was wondering your guys opinions on if one should donate blood or have a therapeutic phlebotomy even if their hematocrit levels are normal (between 44-50). I know some guys get it done every 60-90 days regardless. What is the purpose of this?
I agreed with therapeutic phlebotomy if you're on a cycle unless you get labs check often. If you're on TRT dosage, 3-6 months labs then yearly should suffice however given most people here are on a much higher dosage, more frequent monitoring would be suggested. Elevation in hematocrit/hemoglobin are dose dependent of anabolic steroids and risk of venous thromboembolic disease is directly related to hematocrit with even a single point of elevated hematocrit increase venous thromboembolic events likely given consistently elevated hematocrit in between measurements. Thus a prophylaxis phlebotomy may be easier with less frequent labs monitoring.