PIP / fever symptoms 1st cycle


New Member

Last week I had my first ever shot of PED, test E 250mg (1ml) in ventrogluteal site. I felt slight pain the next day, mild symptoms of fever (temperature was normal though). It was very mild so I didn't think much of it.

I had my 2nd shot 2 days ago in my other glute. I tried to warm up the oil and massage the spot after injecting. The muscle pain started almost immediately after the shot, all the symptoms feel twice as worse, even 2 days later. I still feel the muscle pain in injection site and I'm barely able to even dress up in the morning due to the pain.

Should I worry or is this normal for a first cycle? If the next shot gets worse I will probably just quit, it gets to the point where it negatively affects my training.
Forgot to note, the injection site looks totally fine. No redness, doesn't itch etc.
Which brand are you using? Do you know what oil does it use?

Which size are you using for the needle? 21g? 23g? Are you correctly injecting in the spot?

If you don't have any redness in the area, probably it isn't that bad, just your body aren't used to get a intramuscular injection in the area.
Which brand are you using? Do you know what oil does it use?

Which size are you using for the needle? 21g? 23g? Are you correctly injecting in the spot?

If you don't have any redness in the area, probably it isn't that bad, just your body aren't used to get a intramuscular injection in the area.
Ferring pharma. I don't know what oil it uses.

I use 25g needle. It takes around 1 minute to inject the 1ml. I inject at 90 degree, sticking the entire 1 inch needle in.

I hope it is just a temporary thing.
Ferring pharma. I don't know what oil it uses.

I use 25g needle. It takes around 1 minute to inject the 1ml. I inject at 90 degree, sticking the entire 1 inch needle in.

I hope it is just a temporary thing.
I guess ferring pharma is pharma graded test e.

Do you have a big ass? Probably your 25g needle gets subcutaneous and thats why you're having pain. Try a 21g needle and go to spotinjections dot com to check if you're applying it correctly.
I followed the guide in this picture, number 2 (green spot). Should I even need a larger needle there? I guess I can try to move into the area at website you mentioned.
If this is your first time, this could be perfectly normal...

The first time I injected in my quad, I could barely walk the following days...

Warming up the oil, and massaging can help, but you'll get better at it, and your muscles will also get used to it, the pain will disappear soon.

And also, for this injection site, you could use longer needles than 1 inch.

Last week I had my first ever shot of PED, test E 250mg (1ml) in ventrogluteal site. I felt slight pain the next day, mild symptoms of fever (temperature was normal though). It was very mild so I didn't think much of it.

I had my 2nd shot 2 days ago in my other glute. I tried to warm up the oil and massage the spot after injecting. The muscle pain started almost immediately after the shot, all the symptoms feel twice as worse, even 2 days later. I still feel the muscle pain in injection site and I'm barely able to even dress up in the morning due to the pain.

Should I worry or is this normal for a first cycle? If the next shot gets worse I will probably just quit, it gets to the point where it negatively affects my training.
Don't use test e. Pip from it is very common
If this is your first time, this could be perfectly normal...

The first time I injected in my quad, I could barely walk the following days...

Warming up the oil, and massaging can help, but you'll get better at it, and your muscles will also get used to it, the pain will disappear soon.

And also, for this injection site, you could use longer needles than 1 inch.
Thanks, hopefully you are right. I might try the dorso gluteal spot instead. Did you also have symptoms of flu/fever along with the pain?
Thanks, hopefully you are right. I might try the dorso gluteal spot instead. Did you also have symptoms of flu/fever along with the pain?
You may be getting symptoms of test flu (common with first few testosterone injections) but that doesn't include pain. My guess would be you have bad inflammation from the test e, and you may have got a fever from your immune response to such inflammation
Thanks, hopefully you are right. I might try the dorso gluteal spot instead. Did you also have symptoms of flu/fever along with the pain?
No, I did not feel flu symptoms. But the pain in the quads was really really bad, like after a REALLY hard leg workout, but only localised in the quads...
Could really not put the foot on the ground for a few days. Stairs were just a nightmare...

In comparison, I have injected for the first time in the biceps this week, because I plan ED injections for my next blast, and I have never done it in the biceps. I have always injected in the glutes and delts since I stopped the quads :p
I feel the same kind of pain, because the muscle is "virgin". Luckily it was a very small injection, so the pain is manageable ;)
You may be getting symptoms of test flu (common with first few testosterone injections) but that doesn't include pain. My guess would be you have bad inflammation from the test e, and you may have got a fever from your immune response to such inflammation
That would make sense. I just spoke with my coach and he also advised me to pin in a different spot, lower and closer to the butt.

I will share the progress next week. Hope this can be helpful to someone in the future.
What helped me to reduce PIP, was to inject deeper in the muscle.
So longer needles...
I use 40mm for delts, or butt. That's about 1.5inches I think.

What also helped if I had a bad PIP, was to apply some cooling cream to the injection site. But I only did this 2-3 times, because the pain became less and less after a few pins.
Cold showers also helped.
That would make sense. I just spoke with my coach and he also advised me to pin in a different spot, lower and closer to the butt.

I will share the progress next week. Hope this can be helpful to someone in the future.
Fairly common when 1st starting with injections but if it doesn't get any better OR gets worse I would switch sources. When I first started I had pain in quad so bad I went to ER like a noob, but it was very hard to even walk. Tried to tough it out because everyone said it was common, virgin muscle, blah blah...then I switched sources and got Test Cyp instead of Test E...and PIP was virtually nonexistent. So I say try a couple more shots with the advice others have given, but if no relief get test c from another source.
Do more frequent and less volume shots. Switch to 30 gauge 1/2" and hit your butt cheeks with no more than ml per shot.

Also - Boil water in an electric kettle and pour in a coffee cup with the vial in it. Let it warm for 10 minutes. Draw and inject.

I get injection site pain on my first few shots of primo or NPP during a new cycle. It goes away and more shots no longer hurt.
Update as promised - symptoms and pain disappeared 4 days after the injection.

I injected into the dorsogluteal site this Wednesday. 2 days later and there are no bad symptoms, very minor pain (virgin muscle). Feeling great.

Thanks for tips everyone.
I guess ferring pharma is pharma graded test e.

Do you have a big ass? Probably your 25g needle gets subcutaneous and thats why you're having pain. Try a 21g needle and go to spotinjections dot com to check if you're applying it correctly.
this is one of the stupidest, most incoherent things ive read.

you should absolutely refrain from giving any advice.

no one thats not literally obese has a 1" subcutaneous layer of fat over their ventro glute.
swapping to a pin size thats ALMOST TWICE THE DIAMETER isnt going to get in any deeper and is only going to cause more pain.
this is one of the stupidest, most incoherent things ive read.

you should absolutely refrain from giving any advice.

no one thats not literally obese has a 1" subcutaneous layer of fat over their ventro glute.
swapping to a pin size thats ALMOST TWICE THE DIAMETER isnt going to get in any deeper and is only going to cause more pain.
wanted to write the same thing.
terrible advise
with 21g you will just create more scar tissue which might lead to issues later on.
I draw with 23g and inject with 27g 20mm. Never had any issues, even 2ml aint a problem
wanted to write the same thing.
terrible advise
with 21g you will just create more scar tissue which might lead to issues later on.
I draw with 23g and inject with 27g 20mm. Never had any issues, even 2ml aint a problem
any benefit drawing with 23g instead of even larger, like 18g?