planned pct including hcg last 2 weeks of test cycle

my pct plan
week 10-12 hcg 250 iu 2x a week
week 15-18 clomid 50/25/25/25

I'm not really thinking of adding another serm since It may be over kill. I was thinking of adding some anavar at the end of my cycle maybe 40mg a day for 3 wks . my questions are really about the anavar when is best to take that and end it also is 250 iu 2x a week enough hcg to kick start my test again? or do I need to blast some more?

my current cycle is test e 600 mg /week . just got bloods drawn half way through my 12 wk cycle and I'm at roughly 3600 ng. only sides at the moment are from arimidex I'm on .25 ed will be lowering to .25 eod.
Not sure what your asking with regard to the Var, however the last dose of Var to the beginning of PCT waiting interval will be around 5-7 DAYS, while the T-e to PCT window is roughly 4-5 WEEKS.

The optimal use of "blast" HCG therapy begins in the LAST 1-2 weeks of a cycle AND extends
1-2 weeks into the POST-CYCLE interval.

At your age and T-e dosage, single SERM PCT is GTG IMO. .
Not sure what your asking with regard to the Var, however the last dose of Var to the beginning of PCT waiting interval will be around 5-7 DAYS, while the T-e to PCT window is roughly 4-5 WEEKS.

The optimal use of "blast" HCG therapy begins in the LAST 1-2 weeks of a cycle AND extends
1-2 weeks into the POST-CYCLE interval.

At your age and T-e dosage, single SERM PCT is GTG IMO. .
I have pharma clomid on hand. is 50/25/25/25 good? I also have nolva on hand but only 30x/ 20mg. also would it be o.k to start running hcg at 250iu x2 /wk a.s.a.p. if I do not have much atrophy if any. thanks again.
Where are you in the cycle?

Running intracycle HCG is fine but SERM related PCT should await clearance of exogenous AAS as I've already mentioned
Thats fine if you want to use HCG now or wait a few more weeks. I personally don't believe intra-cycle HCG makes a world of difference with respect to TT secretion except perhaps in the final 2-3 weeks of a cycle OR in the pre-PCT waiting period.

Others like to use it in part bc it diminishes Testicular atrophy BUT whether it maintains or normalizes TT secretion DURING a cycle in which HIGH LEVELS of AAS are the objective, is another matter that is NOT evidence based.

Bottom line if you can afford to use HCG throughout a cycle, fine, but if money is an issue (and it often is for many on Meso) opting to delay the use of HCG until the post-cycle period is the better alternative IMO.
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Thats fine if you want to use HCG now or wait a few more weeks. I personally don't believe intra-cycle HCG makes a world of difference with respect to TT secretion except perhaps in the final 2-3 weeks of a cycle OR in the pre-PCT waiting period.

Others like to use it in part bc it diminishes Testicular atrophy BUT whether it maintains or normalizes TT secretion DURING a cycle in which HIGH LEVELS of AAS are the objective, is another matter that is NOT evidence based.

Bottom line if you can afford to use HCG throughout a cycle, fine, but if money is an issue (and it often is for many on Meso) opting to delay the use of HCG until the post-cycle period is the better alternative IMO.
perfect! thank you very much sir!!!!
hey dr.jim hope all is well. I'm about to start pct and have a few loaded hcg syringes (250iu each). today I'm supposed to be taking my first dose of clomid. I started taking 250iu 2x/wk at around week 8(got it late). just wondering if I take 250 iu ed along with the clomid is that an issue? only asking because I read that hcg also is a bit suppressive (that may be wrong). thanks