Please help, Statin advice, Lipids are off


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On my most recent blood test my Lipids came back at the following levels. I am looking for advice regarding Rosuvastatin, it seems like 5mg every day or 5mg every other day would be the best. Please advise, thank you. I will retest after 30 days.

Total Cholesterol 215

LDL 175

HDL 23

Clearly my ratios suck and LDL is way too high.

I am taking the following PEDs.
280 test c pinned every 3.5 days
280 primo pinned every 3.5 days
4iu hgh pinned twice a day
25mg enclomiphene eod

25 anastrozol twice a week.

I am on a very strict diet. I eat 70-80% protein, 10%fat, 10% carbs.
All carbs come from vegetables.
I eat 1200 calories a day.
Usually two protein shakes. And two salads with chicken breasts.
I do 45mins to 1.5 hours cardio ridding my MTB to the gym every day (hr averages 135bpm). After I get to the gym I workout and have my first meal around 1pm. All cardio and lifting is done fasted.
I have lost 58.5 pounds in 9 weeks. Starting weight 275, current weight 216. My renpho scale says that i am right at 18.1% bodyfat.

I am generally in Ketosis all the time. I check it in the morning. Usually comes in at 1.2 -2 on a finger prick keto/blood sugar meter.

Any help on the Statin dosage is much appreciated.
Why are you on the drugs that you are on?

What is your e2 right now? You are on a anastrazole and primo. Both can lower, which will affect your hdl.

Anastrazole will definitely affect lipids

I think instead of adding in more drugs you need to evaluate your current cycle.
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Why are you on the drugs that you are on?

What is your e2 right now? You are on a anastrazole and primo. Both can lower, which will affect your hdl.

Anastrazole will definitely affect lipids

I think instead of adding in more drugs you need to evaluate your current cycle.

Clarification. I am taking 280mgs per week, not 560mgs, for both Primp and Test.

I am taking the drugs to preserve muscle, I am on an aggressive cut. It is working.

I need to go and get my e2 done. I ordered the wrong tests. Regardless of what I take my Lipids get trashed. I like the Test/primo combination, i may throttle back total mgs and drop the anastrozol.

But, at the end of the day, if I am on anything, my lipids will suck. So i need to figure out how to get them down.

Unfortunately, my natural testosterone is all but gone.
I'm on 5mg rosuvastatin and 10mg ezetimibe. No side effects and I'm happy with my ldl. I would not start higher than 5mg ed or eod. You can always increase it later on. Adding ezetimibe to 5mg rosuvastatin makes it more effective than 10 or 20 rosuvastatin alone. I can't remember which it was. So it would be a good idea to stack them and use a minimal statin dosage to avoid potential sides.

Make sure you get some quality ubiquinol too. I'm on 200mg daily personally.
I'm on 5mg rosuvastatin and 10mg ezetimibe. No side effects and I'm happy with my ldl. I would not start higher than 5mg ed or eod. You can always increase it later on. Adding ezetimibe to 5mg rosuvastatin makes it more effective than 10 or 20 rosuvastatin alone. I can't remember which it was. So it would be a good idea to stack them and use a minimal statin dosage to avoid potential sides.

Make sure you get some quality ubiquinol too. I'm on 200mg daily personally.
Thank you very much. So I am doing 5mg every day and will get my bloods in a month and report back. Thank you for the information and help.
I am taking the drugs to preserve muscle, I am on an aggressive cut. It is working.
if you are 18% bodyfat, you most likely dont need that much drugs to cut in general.
I need to go and get my e2 done. I ordered the wrong tests. Regardless of what I take my Lipids get trashed. I like the Test/primo combination, i may throttle back total mgs and drop the anastrozol.
I doubt you need to be on anastrazole...
Unfortunately, my natural testosterone is all but gone.
thats what happens when you take gear. it shuts down your natural test.

Are you blindly taking substances? it feels that way.
Dude you should never need a statin at this dose. Your E2 is completely crushed and that will have more effects than just destroying your lipids. Drop the Enclo, drop the AI. If you must run those mgs then raise the ratio of test to primo. Though really the test alone at 280 is more than enough as primo has no real benefit in a deficit. Not to mention you are getting fat loss benefits of GH. Save the primo for bulk.
Dude you should never need a statin at this dose. Your E2 is completely crushed and that will have more effects than just destroying your lipids. Drop the Enclo, drop the AI.

Why the enclo? It seems to really help with my natural test. My TRT doc loves it.
If you must run those mgs then raise the ratio of test to primo. Though really the test alone at 280 is more than enough as primo has no real benefit in a deficit. Not to mention you are getting fat loss benefits of GH. Save the primo for bulk.
Everyone reacts differently. When I started TRT it trashed my lipids. Also I am 48 years old. So there’s that. I like the Primo because it helps with bloat and it seems to work well as part of a cut.
Why the enclo? It seems to really help with my natural test. My TRT doc loves it.

Everyone reacts differently. When I started TRT it trashed my lipids. Also I am 48 years old. So there’s that. I like the Primo because it helps with bloat and it seems to work well as part of a cut.
Your natural test? Are you cycling off after this cut? I don’t understand the point.

Yes TRT will affect everyone’s lipids, mainly HDL. But not that much at such low doses, and certainly not that bad of an LDL unless your e2 is crushed.

Of course it’s going to dry you out to crash your e2, that’s why people do it stepping on stage. But you’re 18% bf worried about drying out and risking your health because of it. As soon as you remove it the water will come back. And honestly you’ll probably be quite dry anyway with such a restrictive diet.
if you are 18% bodyfat, you most likely dont need that much drugs to cut in general.
Yeah I am not sure what my bf% is, I look great and am 3 weeks away from having abs. But more importantly, why does my BF% impact the cutting cycle and test mg on an aggressive cut.

Is your argument that when bf is higher it is easier for the body to convert fat for fuel?
I doubt you need to be on anastrazole...
Yeah probably right. I am stopping for now.
thats what happens when you take gear. it shuts down your natural test.
Actually, my testosterone levels are age and lifestyle related. I haven’t taken gear for 10 years. From age 45-48 I gained fat and my test dropped.
Are you blindly taking substances? it feels that way.
My cycle has a lot of merits. The Primo counteracts the boost in E2 from the Test and helps keep me dry and does a great job with my power on the bike (I am getting back into MTB racing). I was testing my e2 levels to see if I need to drop the anastrozol. As I mentioned I ordered the wrong test.

The HGH is magical for liposis, especially when doing fasted cardio and lifting before my first meal. Yeah it’s a little extra water but overall worth every penny.

The enclomiphene was prescribed by my dr to keep my nuts full and boost natural test. He likes to run it all the time. Maybe he is wrong. The argument is to run it rather than HCG. He does not know about the Primo.

In a former life I was a bodybuilder and my cycle is a lower mg cutting cycle.

When only eating 1200 calories a day the extra testosterone in my system helps preserve muscle. Running a 1500 calorie deficit a day justifies a little more MGs a week than TRT. In fact I am doing a log of the diet and results.

Just as a clarification, my lipids were bad when I was only taking 200mg test. Frankly, everyone taking gear should consider statins when their lipids are off.
Your natural test? Are you cycling off after this cut? I don’t understand the point.
It is pretty simple, the enclomiphene keeps my testicles producing testosterone. Normally the testicles shutdown production when taking gear.
Yes TRT will affect everyone’s lipids, mainly HDL. But not that much at such low doses, and certainly not that bad of an LDL unless your e2 is crushed.
Actuall that is not accurate for me. My LDL was way high when my e2 was 56 and I was on TRT alone.
Of course it’s going to dry you out to crash your e2, that’s why people do it stepping on stage. But your 18% bf worried about drying out and risking your health because of it.
I am only taking 280mg of primo a week. The diet and peds have been working very well as I have lossed 58 pounds and have held on to a good amount of muscle. The idea is that I need the extra boost to keep muscle as I drop the last 20lbs.

As soon as you remove it the water will come back. And honestly you’ll probably be quite dry anyway with such a restrictive diet.

I am confident that more people on gear would mitigate the cardio risk with Statins. I am, after all 48 years old.
It is pretty simple, the enclomiphene keeps my testicles producing testosterone. Normally the testicles shutdown production when taking gear.
then ask your doctor since he seemed to put you on things like anastrazole

Actuall that is not accurate for me. My LDL was way high when my e2 was 56 and I was on TRT alone.
Or was it cause you were fat?

I am confident that more people on gear would mitigate the cardio risk with Statins. I am, after all 48 years old.
Go take some statins, seems like you have it all figured out.
Bro this is going to be my last post here because it’s clearly not getting across. I’m not trying to shit on you, you just don’t really know what you’re doing and your doctors are not helping.

All this following a trend of over medication. Bad cholesterol? Statin. Mildy hypertensive? ARB. Bad HR? Beta blocker. Heck let’s through in a SERM for no reason since we are on exogenous hormones.

The GH is fine if you can accept the water retention, which clearly you can’t since you feel the need to reduce it at 18% bf.

I don’t know why you feel the need to cut so hard so quickly unless you’re preparing for contest. But here’s what I would do if I were you and I had to lean down quickly.

Drop everything but test and GH. This is absolutely more than enough. Keep an AI around in case, do not take it u less you have symptoms. The primo is also fine I guess but it should be at a smaller ratio for most people. I would try 150 pw first if you really want to use it. 1 to 1 usually will crash e2 alone for most people. Especially once you are slimmer and have less aromatase. Once you get under around 15% slow your deficit a bit, then introduce further anabolics around 12% if you plan on going leaner. At this point however it’s no longer healthy to really hold onto the tissue at the doses required. Retest your lipids after a month of having normal e2. Your LDL was trash on trt because you were obese dude. Also I’m curious what dose you consider trt cause it certainly isn’t 280 pw. If everything else is on check consider ezetimibe first and then Rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin is very strong and even 1-2mg per day is enough for most people. Also consider using coq10 or ubiquinol once you start.

If you plan on cycling off after this use HCG instead as it will directly imitate LH and may improve lipids on its own. Enclo can be used and hcg dropped once you cycle off.

If you disagree that’s fine. Listen to your TRT doc who makes money prescribing you more shit. I’m not against these medications in the right context, I have used them myself, but on heavy cycles where lifestyle changes alone weren’t sufficient. At 48 you really need to be considering your overall health if you want to live a long life, especially since you were already obese not too long ago and have done cycles in the past. You’re not competing anymore.
Enclomiphene on cycle is causing a constant battle with your pituitary whether to keep the balls on or off since you have exogenous test. Keep enclo and some hcg for when you’re done this cycle to have your nuts turn back on. There’s no such thing as keeping your natural test on while on cycle. Hcg on cycle is to maintain LH which is to aid in sperm production while on test
Enclomiphene on cycle is causing a constant battle with your pituitary whether to keep the balls on or off since you have exogenous test. Keep enclo and some hcg for when you’re done this cycle to have your nuts turn back on. There’s no such thing as keeping your natural test on while on cycle. Hcg on cycle is to maintain LH which is to aid in sperm production while on test

Idk what the point of trying to keep natural testosterone of a 45+ year old alive. It's not like it's anything remarkable.

It's like trying to keep a VCR still working.

It's dated bro, let it go
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Bro this is going to be my last post here because it’s clearly not getting across. I’m not trying to shit on you, you just don’t really know what you’re doing and your doctors are not helping.

All this following a trend of over medication. Bad cholesterol? Statin. Mildy hypertensive? ARB. Bad HR? Beta blocker. Heck let’s through in a SERM for no reason since we are on exogenous hormones.

The GH is fine if you can accept the water retention, which clearly you can’t since you feel the need to reduce it at 18% bf.

I don’t know why you feel the need to cut so hard so quickly unless you’re preparing for contest. But here’s what I would do if I were you and I had to lean down quickly.

Drop everything but test and GH. This is absolutely more than enough. Keep an AI around in case, do not take it u less you have symptoms. The primo is also fine I guess but it should be at a smaller ratio for most people. I would try 150 pw first if you really want to use it. 1 to 1 usually will crash e2 alone for most people. Especially once you are slimmer and have less aromatase. Once you get under around 15% slow your deficit a bit, then introduce further anabolics around 12% if you plan on going leaner. At this point however it’s no longer healthy to really hold onto the tissue at the doses required. Retest your lipids after a month of having normal e2. Your LDL was trash on trt because you were obese dude. Also I’m curious what dose you consider trt cause it certainly isn’t 280 pw. If everything else is on check consider ezetimibe first and then Rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin is very strong and even 1-2mg per day is enough for most people. Also consider using coq10 or ubiquinol once you start.

If you plan on cycling off after this use HCG instead as it will directly imitate LH and may improve lipids on its own. Enclo can be used and hcg dropped once you cycle off.

If you disagree that’s fine. Listen to your TRT doc who makes money prescribing you more shit. I’m not against these medications in the right context, I have used them myself, but on heavy cycles where lifestyle changes alone weren’t sufficient. At 48 you really need to be considering your overall health if you want to live a long life, especially since you were already obese not too long ago and have done cycles in the past. You’re not competing anymore.
Thank you for posting your thoughts on this. I do appreciate everyone’s input.
On my most recent blood test my Lipids came back at the following levels. I am looking for advice regarding Rosuvastatin, it seems like 5mg every day or 5mg every other day would be the best. Please advise, thank you. I will retest after 30 days.

Total Cholesterol 215

LDL 175

HDL 23

Clearly my ratios suck and LDL is way too high.

I am taking the following PEDs.
280 test c pinned every 3.5 days
280 primo pinned every 3.5 days
4iu hgh pinned twice a day
25mg enclomiphene eod

25 anastrozol twice a week.

I am on a very strict diet. I eat 70-80% protein, 10%fat, 10% carbs.
All carbs come from vegetables.
I eat 1200 calories a day.
Usually two protein shakes. And two salads with chicken breasts.
I do 45mins to 1.5 hours cardio ridding my MTB to the gym every day (hr averages 135bpm). After I get to the gym I workout and have my first meal around 1pm. All cardio and lifting is done fasted.
I have lost 58.5 pounds in 9 weeks. Starting weight 275, current weight 216. My renpho scale says that i am right at 18.1% bodyfat.

I am generally in Ketosis all the time. I check it in the morning. Usually comes in at 1.2 -2 on a finger prick keto/blood sugar meter.

Any help on the Statin dosage is much appreciated.
25 Arimidex? :oops:

Also, look into reverse diet because that calorie intake isn't sustainable for long-term.
then ask your doctor since he seemed to put you on things like anastrazol
Or was it cause you were fat?
So I appreciate the concept you put forth. My LDL was lower before I started back on TRT. And yes I was fat as fuck before I started on TRT.
Go take some statins, seems like you have it all figured out.
I am going to roll back the mgs on Primo and stop the anastrozol. I will also stop the enclomiphene.

Thank you for your input.
25 Arimidex?

Also, look into reverse diet because that calorie intake isn't sustainable for long-term.
Yes, 25 mg arimidex. I am stopping it.

I am rolling in calories after another month.
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Idk what the point of trying to keep natural testosterone of a 45+ year old alive. It's not like it's anything remarkable.

It's like trying to keep a VCR still working.

It's dated bro, let it go
Point taken. Thank you.