Please help, Statin advice, Lipids are off

From todays workout. I still have a long way to go but I am pleased with the results so far.


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Dude you should never need a statin at this dose. Your E2 is completely crushed and that will have more effects than just destroying your lipids. Drop the Enclo, drop the AI. If you must run those mgs then raise the ratio of test to primo. Though really the test alone at 280 is more than enough as primo has no real benefit in a deficit. Not to mention you are getting fat loss benefits of GH. Save the primo for bulk.
I just got my test back. My E2 is normal.
Your natural test? Are you cycling off after this cut? I don’t understand the point.

Yes TRT will affect everyone’s lipids, mainly HDL. But not that much at such low doses, and certainly not that bad of an LDL unless your e2 is crushed.

Of course it’s going to dry you out to crash your e2, that’s why people do it stepping on stage. But your 18% bf worried about drying out and risking your health because of it. As soon as you remove it the water will come back. And honestly you’ll probably be quite dry anyway with such a restrictive diet.
My E2 is normal. Just got the test back. I am taking a statin now. Will retest in a month.
Why are you on the drugs that you are on?

What is your e2 right now? You are on a anastrazole and primo. Both can lower, which will affect your hdl.

Anastrazole will definitely affect lipids

I think instead of adding in more drugs you need to evaluate your current cycle.
E2 came back normal. I am taking a statin.
Here are my current lab results.


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Lol ok dude, go do you.

You still didn't even state what it was other than normal.

Keep taking anastrazole and throw more drugs. We tried.
What is funny? The only thing questionable is your advice regarding my E2.
What is funny? The only thing questionable is your advice regarding my E2.
Do you know what e2 does?

Re read the posts I made because you don't get it. I asked specifically about anastrazole and primo.

You should look at the function of e2 in the body and look up side effects of anastrazole.

You sent me a message asking me for advice despite not agreeing with my thoughts process.

Throwing so many drugs at yourself for something unnecessary.

After you saying you don't agree with my thought process why would I try?
Do you know what e2 does?

Re read the posts I made because you don't get it. I asked specifically about anastrazole and primo.

You should look at the function of e2 in the body and look up side effects of anastrazole.

You sent me a message asking me for advice despite not agreeing with my thoughts process.

Throwing so many drugs at yourself for something unnecessary.

After you saying you don't agree with my thought process why would I try?
I do appreciate the input from everyone on this forum. The part that I don’t agree with is your assertion that my lipid problem will be solved by increasing my E2.

I do understand the relationship to Test/E2 and Lipids and CHD. My point is that my lipids are being affected by far more than low E2 (it appears to be genetic).

I have dropped the Anastrozol and enclomiphene. And will retest in about 3 weeks. I do want my T/e2 to be better and I am taking a low dose statin. Hopefully this will bring my numbers in line.

Dude your e2 is completely wracked. No wonder your lipids are like shit.
Yeah, no. My lipids were wack when my E2 was 56. E2 is not helping my lipids but it is not the only thing affecting them, especially to the this level. My Test was 1100 and E2 was 56 and lipids were still bad.
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I do appreciate the input from everyone on this forum. The part that I don’t agree with is your assertion that my lipid problem will be solved by increasing my E2.

I do understand the relationship to Test/E2 and Lipids and CHD. My point is that my lipids are being affected by far more than low E2 (it appears to be genetic).

I have dropped the Anastrozol and enclomiphene. And will retest in about 3 weeks. I do want my T/e2 to be better and I am taking a low dose statin. Hopefully this will bring my numbers in line.

I don't understand why you made this thread when you won't listen to anyone but yourself?

What's the relationship of e2 and hdl? How about hdl with anastrazole?

What about primo and lipids?

Shit, go ahead, buy some statins. IDGAF
Hopefully someone reads this and learns of what not to do or starts investigating how everything comes together for their future health purposes. I know a lost cause when I see it.
I don't understand why you made this thread when you won't listen to anyone but yourself?

What's the relationship of e2 and hdl? How about hdl with anastrazole?

What about primo and lipids?

Shit, go ahead, buy some statins. IDGAF
I made this thread because I was looking for Statin advice.

I followed your advice about the Anastrozol
I followed your advice about the enclomipene
I followed others advice and reduced the primo.

All very good advice.
Hopefully someone reads this and learns of what not to do or starts investigating how everything comes together for their future health purposes. I know a lost cause when I see it.
What are you talking about? I stopped the anastrozol and Enclomiphene. Just because I don't completely agree with everything you say doesn't make my approach wrong. My Test/E2 ratio is not optimal but remember I was taking anastrozole when I was tested. I have since stopped the anastrozol (as per your advice) so it should be a lot better in 3 weeks when I test again. As I said before my lipids were bad before the introduction of Primo. My lipids were bad before I started taking PEDs. I was fat. The good news is that I have lost 62 pounds (in three months), my blood pressure is great, I do 7-8 hours of cardio a week and I feel better than I have in 10 years.

I am going to a cardiologist next week and I will have a Thallium CT Scan of my heart and cardiovascular system.
E2 levels as low as your show increased risk of lower mortality.
Great article, thank you for posting. My E2 should be a lot better now, i was taking anastrozol when my blood work was done and I have since stopped. I will recheck my levels in a couple of weeks.