Post cycle fatigue/mental issues but ‘normal’ bloods


New Member
Hi everyone, longtime lurker - appreciate many of the discussions - and first time poster.

Quick case history:

-33, M
-Emotionally difficult childhood. Diagnosed with depression at 19, went on SSRIs.
-Started lifting at 23, greatly improving my mental health; stopped antidepressants at 25.
-Started 10-16 week AAS cycles at ~28.
-(IMO) nothing crazy: up to 1g/week- always test + tren/primo/mast. Always used AI on cycle and (IMO) good PCT protocol after, taking at least 1x off between cycles.
-Started using HCG from ~week 5 onwards in 4 most recent cycles.
-Total 9 cycles over ~5 years.

Trouble started after the end of cycle 5: post cycle I can reliably get hormone bloods back in reference ranges (stupidly never did bloods before starting so no baseline) — but I’m unable to recover energy/mood and general feeling of wellbeing. It gets so bad, I have to jump back on just to feel ‘normal’.

Between cycles, post-PCT I have extreme fatigue, low motivation (including for lifting weights), brain fog, and various low level physical symptoms (skin rashes, dry eyes and lots of floaters, more joint aches, more colds). I generally feel shit and like a shadow of myself - like low T symptoms, but that’s not backed up by the bloods.

Clearly there could be a ton of variables, and I knew the risks before I embarked on this.

I guess I’m curious if anyone has experienced something similar - where hormone profile seems ‘normal’ but symptoms that you could associate with disrupted hormones are present, with a strong impact on quality of life.

I’m currently at 1.5x time off since my last cycle and jumping back on seems like the only option to get a good quality of life back.

But I’d prefer not to continue this pattern forever. At 33 I find myself caring less about how I look and perform in the gym and more about a sustainable healthy, happier life.


-Unresolved mental health issues still, that AAS help to control (so when I’m off AAS they become more noticeable/are effectively ‘untreated’).

-AAS (especially combined with my mental health history and use of SSRIs) have disrupted my brain/neurotransmitters - have seen some studies suggesting this happens
(wouldn’t know where to start for resolving).

-Am dealing with psychological addiction withdrawal symptoms, separate from AAS’ effect on hormones.

-Hormones are to blame - being within reference ranges is meaningless without knowing pre-AAS baseline?

-Simply need to go cold turkey for longer than 1.5x length of last cycle given I’ve been on/off for ~5yrs total (relationships, career, etc. likely to suffer)

Thanks in advance for any thoughts/perspectives.
Care to elaborate on this part?

Have you been on some type of addictive dugs?
No other addictive drugs. I wasn’t very clear - I meant can being off AAS create withdrawal symptoms. Mind/body used to operating with supra-normal T levels, so normal levels feel abnormal? That kinda thing.
Hi everyone, longtime lurker - appreciate many of the discussions - and first time poster.

Quick case history:

-33, M
-Emotionally difficult childhood. Diagnosed with depression at 19, went on SSRIs.
-Started lifting at 23, greatly improving my mental health; stopped antidepressants at 25.
-Started 10-16 week AAS cycles at ~28.
-(IMO) nothing crazy: up to 1g/week- always test + tren/primo/mast. Always used AI on cycle and (IMO) good PCT protocol after, taking at least 1x off between cycles.
-Started using HCG from ~week 5 onwards in 4 most recent cycles.
-Total 9 cycles over ~5 years.

Trouble started after the end of cycle 5: post cycle I can reliably get hormone bloods back in reference ranges (stupidly never did bloods before starting so no baseline) — but I’m unable to recover energy/mood and general feeling of wellbeing. It gets so bad, I have to jump back on just to feel ‘normal’.

Between cycles, post-PCT I have extreme fatigue, low motivation (including for lifting weights), brain fog, and various low level physical symptoms (skin rashes, dry eyes and lots of floaters, more joint aches, more colds). I generally feel shit and like a shadow of myself - like low T symptoms, but that’s not backed up by the bloods.

Clearly there could be a ton of variables, and I knew the risks before I embarked on this.

I guess I’m curious if anyone has experienced something similar - where hormone profile seems ‘normal’ but symptoms that you could associate with disrupted hormones are present, with a strong impact on quality of life.

I’m currently at 1.5x time off since my last cycle and jumping back on seems like the only option to get a good quality of life back.

But I’d prefer not to continue this pattern forever. At 33 I find myself caring less about how I look and perform in the gym and more about a sustainable healthy, happier life.


-Unresolved mental health issues still, that AAS help to control (so when I’m off AAS they become more noticeable/are effectively ‘untreated’).

-AAS (especially combined with my mental health history and use of SSRIs) have disrupted my brain/neurotransmitters - have seen some studies suggesting this happens
(wouldn’t know where to start for resolving).

-Am dealing with psychological addiction withdrawal symptoms, separate from AAS’ effect on hormones.

-Hormones are to blame - being within reference ranges is meaningless without knowing pre-AAS baseline?

-Simply need to go cold turkey for longer than 1.5x length of last cycle given I’ve been on/off for ~5yrs total (relationships, career, etc. likely to suffer)

Thanks in advance for any thoughts/perspectives.
Are you considering going on HRT? When you “jump back on” how long are you on for altogether? Have you really ever been without AAS over the past 5 years (be honest)? You’ve gotta know by now (9 cycles) that when coming off cycle completely you’re going to feel like shit.

I think either way you may want to seek therapy for your neurosis. A lot of people have had “emotionally difficult childhoods” as you say, but not everyone would put that first in a description of themselves as you did. You have unresolved issues.

Larry Love
I would try half aromasin 3x per week for a couple of months.
That will bring your lh and fsh up and your testosterone also.
Until then you can figure out if you want trt or call it quits.
Always used AI on cycle
You have a lot of low E symptoms. Your E is in range, but ive seen too many people claiming AIs have fucked them up to be comfortable taking them. Id go primo/mast for E control next cycle and get rid of AIs if I were you.
Take the guess work out and make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Long term PEDs usage in most cases leads to self induced hypogonadism. You might need to jump on TRT
Take the guess work out and make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Long term PEDs usage in most cases leads to self induced hypogonadism. You might need to jump on TRT
This is the unfortunate truth.