Post injection pain/swelling


New Member
Hey guys had my first inject for my new cycle Monday i wanted to front loaded so it was 500mg test e and 250mg deca shot into the right glute after the inject blood did squirt out more then usual when i accidently pass through a vein so but aside from that just a little soreness the rest of the day nothing unusual untill the next day soreness got worse and a little added pain still not bad its now day 3 and the pain actually got worse and the swelling is worse muscle feels really tight is their any good way to tell if its infected thats really all im worried about i dont mind the pain this is also my first time ever using deca and my test e is also 500mg/ml which i heard could cause pip due to poor absorption i mean i havent done a cycle in a little now so i was thinking it could just be the muscles not used to it yet which is how i felt with my last test cycle for the first couple injects but the pain going up progressively is what worries me. Any advice is appreciated once again dont care about the pain just wanna make sure its not infected and gonna lead to a chance of blood poisoning that being said I skipped my inject today waiting to see if it feels better tomorrow do you guys think I should inject tomorrow? another worry is my test or deca being contaminated and id rather not have an infection in each glute lol last thing someone on a different forum who did seem very knowledgable said if you believe you have an infection insert a 18g needle with syringe into the exact spot you injected 1/8 then begin to aspirate as you slowly sink the neddle in and if you suck up a small quantity of fluid that looks bloody/yellowish and some remnants of the oil you injected then youll know its an infection am I overthinking all this lol?
500mg ml test? Dude that shits gonna hurt.. That's some high concentration.. Give it couple more days.. See if it subsides. U used this brand of gear before?
500mg ml test? Dude that shits gonna hurt.. That's some high concentration.. Give it couple more days.. See if it subsides. U used this brand of gear before?

I havent used the gear before but the test is pharmacom which everyone says is gtg if any of the gear is bad itd be the deca id assume its zhengzhou pharma which although seems to have good reviews also doesnt have many reviews
Yea I've got mixed opinions on pharmacom gear after luca's npp.. I'd say its just high concentration pip from the test man.. But monitor it.. Can't be to careful
Lol yea I'm always hot to bro.. Like I said man monitor it.. But I thinks its just to higher concentration gear
Yea I've got mixed opinions on pharmacom gear after luca's npp.. I'd say its just high concentration pip from the test man.. But monitor it.. Can't be to careful
should i still inject tomorrow? i didnt heat the oil which could help also this dose would be half of what the one on monday was
Yea u don't want ya hormones yoyoing bro.. I'd pin it.. Heat it up man.. Massage after pinning.. Even use a heat pack on it.. Either ur body will adapt or it won't mate
Hey guys had my first inject for my new cycle Monday i wanted to front loaded so it was 500mg test e and 250mg deca shot into the right glute after the inject blood did squirt out more then usual when i accidently pass through a vein so but aside from that just a little soreness the rest of the day nothing unusual untill the next day soreness got worse and a little added pain still not bad its now day 3 and the pain actually got worse and the swelling is worse muscle feels really tight is their any good way to tell if its infected thats really all im worried about i dont mind the pain this is also my first time ever using deca and my test e is also 500mg/ml which i heard could cause pip due to poor absorption i mean i havent done a cycle in a little now so i was thinking it could just be the muscles not used to it yet which is how i felt with my last test cycle for the first couple injects but the pain going up progressively is what worries me. Any advice is appreciated once again dont care about the pain just wanna make sure its not infected and gonna lead to a chance of blood poisoning that being said I skipped my inject today waiting to see if it feels better tomorrow do you guys think I should inject tomorrow? another worry is my test or deca being contaminated and id rather not have an infection in each glute lol last thing someone on a different forum who did seem very knowledgable said if you believe you have an infection insert a 18g needle with syringe into the exact spot you injected 1/8 then begin to aspirate as you slowly sink the neddle in and if you suck up a small quantity of fluid that looks bloody/yellowish and some remnants of the oil you injected then youll know its an infection am I overthinking all this lol?
I actually have the same thing going on, but it is subsiding. From what ive read it sounds like a hematoma not abscess. far. But if you start getting symptoms like kiwi said, then go see a doc. Google those two, you can see the difference. Ive had the ol lady rub mine every night and its getting better. Mine bled pretty good, plus it was a voluminous pin. So i knew mine was going to hurt either way, also could have been my injection. Who knows. But its getting better. Mine is a hematoma so time heals.......
Yea u don't want ya hormones yoyoing bro.. I'd pin it.. Heat it up man.. Massage after pinning.. Even use a heat pack on it.. Either ur body will adapt or it won't mate

I actually have the same thing going on, but it is subsiding. From what ive read it sounds like a hematoma not abscess. far. But if you start getting symptoms like kiwi said, then go see a doc. Google those two, you can see the difference. Ive had the ol lady rub mine every night and its getting better. Mine bled pretty good, plus it was a voluminous pin. So i knew mine was going to hurt either way, also could have been my injection. Who knows. But its getting better. Mine is a hematoma so time heals.......

sounds good ill just keep an eye on it! aside from that should i try to dilute the test with grapeseed oil heard it works but never tried it since my test e is so concentrated i dont mind the pip as long as im not wasting gear aha