Post pct blood work


New Member
So this was my first cycle and pct so looking for some help reading thsee number. I believe I have done blood work way to soon. it was exactly one week post last clomid tab. I did clomid 50/50/25/25 here are my results
Total test 681
LH 44.3 seems crazy high
FSH 36.5 also crazy high
Estradiol 35.6
Thank for any help
So even tho my LH is 5x higher then high end amd fsh 3x higher then high end is common? and just because it was way to soon. seems after just 1 week clomid is actually still In system
Well, everyone has variation in there numbers. So, all I can reasonably say is this. Clomid has a half-life of 5 days. With that in mind. Yes you still have Clomid in your system, and yes it will affect your numbers. Honestly, if you retest in a couple of more weeks. You will probably have numbers with in range.