SERMS do NOT expedite natural HTPA recovery, as the latter takes TIME and
often sub-physiologic AAS levels.
Almost all users misunderstand the utility of PCT and the time required for
natural HTPA recovery, such that the adage time on equals time off is a reasonable approximation for most on this forum.
PCT enables chronic users to BRIDGE
an off cycle interval and maintain a physiologic TT level wo the use of AAS but in almost every instance a lower post SERM baseline TT level will develop once
the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator is discontinued.
And the lower baseline TT level duration is dependent upon several factors such as; users age, the number of AAS cycled, their potency and dose etc.
Yet bc of SERM mediated side effectlts some users elect to run testosterone at legitimate TRT dosages rather than SERMS to achieve the same result, a physiologic TT level, between cycles.
The point, the only means of overcoming the suppressive effect of AAS on the
HTPA and restore NATURAL gonadal TT production is abstinence.
Ok, thanks.
How long without SERMS to have an accurate blood reading? Half life is 7 days