Post Pec Tear Surgery Recovery


New Member

I am booked in for surgery in 3 weeks. I tore my pec while working out. The surgeon is going to reattach the muscle.
I am planning on running HGH for 3 months 2iu Morn/ 2iu afternoon. Strictly taking for quicker recovery but invite all of the other good benefits that will come along with it.

Should I start taking it now or should I wait until after the surgery?

Age 40- 180lbs
Currently on TRT 200mg/week
Hell, start taking them now - you are literally injured and healing rn - not just post-surgery.

I did 250 ug BPC twice a day + 2.5 mg TB500 MWF and was pleased with the results. Hard to say for sure but I think it helped.
Bpc 500mcg per day but first week u can go higher,tb 500 was 4mg per week
Thanks for the information. I will look into doing the same .
Really hoping to make it out for the start of golf season.

I am booked in for surgery in 3 weeks. I tore my pec while working out. The surgeon is going to reattach the muscle.
I am planning on running HGH for 3 months 2iu Morn/ 2iu afternoon. Strictly taking for quicker recovery but invite all of the other good benefits that will come along with it.

Should I start taking it now or should I wait until after the surgery?

Age 40- 180lbs
Currently on TRT 200mg/week
I tore my pectoralis major tendon last year jan 3. Its annoying, but back to doing 65 lb dumbells, and chest. I wont go higher, i will never barbell press again.

All other lifts are at 100%, meaning my chest is not the limiting factor. Its the lift itself. That said i slowly progress anything now, not pushing.

Dont take anything until after surgery. You want the tendon to heal.

I did take bpc and tb for 3 weeks after surgery.

Then its just slowly doing PT…

Now best thing is find a good PT, some just go through motions, and some push for sport ready.

Return to sport time is 9 months. NO open chain exercises until 6-7 months. Rest is close chain. And litterally like you have a new arm.

Do not cycle until its fully healed. Only trt. Meaning 9 months healed.

Do stair stepper and bike while in cast,
No treadmill or elliptical.

I also work in a PT office.

Ask any questions you wish.

Stay on TRT, HGH is fine too.

I was told you only get one redo, do not tear the same tendon 2x.

Sorry, but unfortunately, you wont do much until 9 months from now, that involves sports

That said, do all the legs you want,

I did stretching, as long as your arm doesnt sway away from body, and walking too.

Also look up cross-education. I didnt do this, but it works apparently.
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Was the tear at tendon??? Or at muscle. As tendon repairs are much stronger, muscle repairs are much harder.

I would lead to believe you mean tendon?
Was the tear at tendon??? Or at muscle. As tendon repairs are much stronger, muscle repairs are much harder.

I would lead to believe you mean tendon?
My doctor broke my chest into 3 segments that are connected to the bone. I tore the bottom 2.
Just wanted to provide an update

I have been running HGH/TB500/BPC157

It has been 8 weeks since the surgery. I have not lifted any weights but I almost have full range of motion. If anything I think my shoulder is shot from being in the sling for 4 weeks.

I have an upcoming appointment and am hoping that I can start some form of rehab. Even if it’s lifting 5 lbs weights or elastic straps.

Also I can swing a golf club. Haven’t actually tried hitting a shot or hitting the ground with the club.
Just wanted to provide an update

I have been running HGH/TB500/BPC157

It has been 8 weeks since the surgery. I have not lifted any weights but I almost have full range of motion. If anything I think my shoulder is shot from being in the sling for 4 weeks.

I have an upcoming appointment and am hoping that I can start some form of rehab. Even if it’s lifting 5 lbs weights or elastic straps.

Also I can swing a golf club. Haven’t actually tried hitting a shot or hitting the ground with the club.
Go slow, progress and make sure that mnow what they are doing.

It will start

Passive range of motion
Rope pulls
Cane OH

Some weights on those exercises

Then close chain stuff

Then open chain

But it will take 9-10 months

Take your time, focus on full ROM,

Then 9 months your can do slight plyo things

And then start at 40’s going up.

Pretty much the timeline
10 weeks yesterday
I haven’t lifted a single thing in the gym.
I did however have a session at the driving range today.
I took it easy. Nothing negative to report.
Will play 9 holes next week.
After surgery take some bpc and tb 500...i had adductor tear and it speed up my healing a lot
thats a tuff thing to know.. esp when bps works on the brain to kill pain vs healing so quick.

remember antidepressants have shown "healing" such as femur breaks, tendon bone healing and even ulcers....hmm

tb500 is not a great thing for your immune system its essentially an adjuvent like they use in vaccines and was proposed as one. if have any autoimmune issues in your family arthritis diabetes alopecia eczema allergies id be wary SOO many people get bad allergic reactions from it as essentially puts out a cytokine storm like covid does.
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thats a tuff thing to know.. esp when bps works on the brain to kill pain vs healing so quick.

remember antidepressants have shown "healing" such as femur breaks, tendon bone healing and even ulcers....hmm

tb500 is not a great thing for your immune system its essentially an adjuvent like they use in vaccines and was proposed as one. if have any autoimmune issues in your family arthritis diabetes alopecia eczema allergies id be wary SOO many people get bad allergic reactions from it as essentially puts out a cytokine storm like covid does.
I don’t know about any of this however

I played 9 holes 3 days in a row this week.
I have lots of pain in my forearm, lower bicep and shoulder. I think it’s from all the inactivity for 10 + weeks.

Chest and tendon seem to be ok