Post semaglutide appetite rebound bulking cycle


I haven't run a proper bulking cycle in about a decade - came off gear for a long time, Rx for TRT 18 months ago, and have been very conservative with adding compounds since. In a few weeks I'll be ending my semaglutide course.

My goal is to capitalize on appetite rebound to add quality lean mass while minimizing bloat, water retention, moonface before restarting semaglutide later this fall or winter.

Currently down to around 13% based on unscientific comparison of myself to the male body fat graphic that's easily found on Google.

My vials are dosed:
Test C - 250 mg/ml
NPP - 150 mg/ml
Masteron E - 250 mg/ml

Therefore, the cycle I'm considering is:
Test C - 400 mg/week (0.8ml Mon & Fri)
NPP - 450 mg/week (1ml Mon, Wed, & Fri)
Mast - 500 mg/week (1ml Mon & Fri

I'm eyeing a 16 week cycle. My concern is - this is a helluva lot of gear at 1.35g per week for a non-competing IT professional who simply wants to look and feel his best entering his 40s.

I have lots of experience with Test C and Mast P - This would be my first time touching Mast E and Nandrolone of any ester.

What are your thoughts on the proposed stack and the doses? Feel free to suggest substitutions, I have raws of every injectable, oral, serm, ai, and ancillary on hand so any changes can be considered. I'm also well stocked on HGH, which I have never run before.

Would definitely appreciate thoughts from experts @Cridi887 , @Mac11wildcat and all others on how to best achieve this goal
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I am honored you would call me an expert and put me along side with Mac11. I still feel like I am still new.

I don't feel that way.

The numbers definitely look good. I would probably say start NPP to 200 and increase as time goes on to target dose. probably reach target dose by week 10.

Could be 200mg of NPP x 4 weeks, 300mg x 6 weeks, 400mg x 4 weeks or whichever works for you..

Or you could do what I did.

For Cycle 2 I ran 300-400mg of Test C, NPP, and Mast E. I think it was a 14 week cycle. I get tired and feel like 12 week is pretty much my sweet spot on when I should get off.

I increased the dose as time went on from the start and I thought it worked out.
I had to back off of NPP due to increased anxiety with my personal life

Started at 300mg of all 3. with hgh.

then I ended it was
400mg of Test C
300mg of NPP
400mg of Mast E
(With hgh)

I really enjoyed that cycle, I wouldn't run it all the the time though. I just felt a little goofy. not in a bad way. We all have compounds/dosing we prefer more than others.

In regards to semaglutide I would say titrate slowly off of it at the start of the cycle and get off of it by week 3. This will alllw the rebound hunger to be used to your advantage but not too counterproductive.

Have the general ancillaries on hand.

I would already say anticipate 40mg of telmisartan and metformin, but should check BP/BG prior to starting.

AI on hand, nolvadex, metformin.
I am honored you would call me an expert and put me along side with Mac11. I still feel like I am still new.

We are all students. You take a very scientific approach, are very knowledgeable and very resourceful, I think I speak for many when I say your information is very much appreciated.

Imho that's a lot of gear for being on TRT for 18 months. Why not start lower with 500-600mg and slowly taper it up every 4 weeks?

I just realized it's been a long time..
Maybe 300 test c 200 npp 300 mast might be a good start?

Yeah I do like this idea better, the weekly amount in my initial post seemed way too high.

The idea behind high mast was largely due to various anecdotal accounts here (I think incl. yours cridi). I also would like NPP to be the driving anabolic behind this cycle so I may drop the test down to even 150mg/week.

I guess I have a couple questions from here:

1. It seems NPP doesn't deliver the deca dick phenomenon nearly as common as Nandrolone decanoate itself does. Have any of you had an issue with this running about 2:1 NPP to test?

2. Would Mase even help to eliminate any unwanted water retention? If so.. Would 300mg/week be enough to do the job?
1. I noticed decreased dick sensitivity a little on NPP. But overall I was fine on it. I don't have any thoughts on 2 npp for 1 t ratio. I hear the opposite but it doesn't really hold value imo. We are all different. The good thing is, npp is short. Can always bail if it causes issues.

2. Mast can help with e2 receptors control. I use it as my main anabolic driver. I have retained plenty of water on it. Although the water might be more of hgh if anything.

I think 300 mast is a great addition. Alot of benefits.

The original studies have talked about possible prolactin secretion inhibition. Which, if this is true.... Would be very beneficial with 19nors. We see a lot of anectodal reports of masteron counteracting negative effects of tren or nandrolone .

The latter part is me suspecting/speaking out of my ass.

I really hope you have a good solid cycle. Alot of us like the 1:1:1 ratio across the board.