Primo Ace (oral) for woman


Well-known Member
Sup people, so there's not enough info on primo ace tabs just that it's not nearly as potent as injectable version and that you need to dose it pretty high. Not much to read and it never caught my interest to use it for myself. That's not for men I assumed, unless you're rich and can pop them pills like candy

But what about women? I have been researching and it seems like it's a good option for them. I can't find anything about dosing and such.

This woman has previously done one cycle with anavar at 10mg/day for 5 weeks. Reacted and gained well.

Thinking about a second cycle but this time might be time to try primo ace, what do you think? How long and what dose is considered safe? If you have any experience it would be awesome if you share.
On paper it seems like a good option, but in the past I’ve come across experiences with quicker viralization than anavar. I know that primo is very mild for men, that’s why it’s strange.

I think the benefits of HRT level testosterone is overlooked for women. My wife’s clinic gives her 100mg pellets every 12 weeks. She hasn’t experienced any bad side effects other than a little oil and acne.

I’d get some of that 100mg/ml test cyp I see a few vendors have and try 8mg per week.

Not only will it work well, she’ll feel very good.


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