Primo and test for my next cycle?

I think my highest ever was like 1400mg, it didn't feel like I was on anything as far as sides go... Hairline was NOT happy though. It was at the point I was semi embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach because it just felt so blatantly obvious I was juiced to the gill

Shit that’s my goal. I know others have diff goals but If I’m using gear i sure hope people can tell I’m on shit. If you run a bunch of shit and look natty something isn’t right lol. If people are talking then you are doing something right. I’ve seen so many people who look like shit and they say they are on this and that I’m like for what you can look that with with no gear. Be proud take that shirt off lol
Primo is great drug and my personal favorite,i have not been using tren over 2 years and i am stronger and bigger then 99% dudes on far as dosages goes i have been using from 400mg up to 1400mg per week... around 700-1000mg is where i see best results, anything over was just some cosmetic effect ...400mg is minimun for a blast or Let's say 100mg EOD...for a cruise even 100mg primo per week is amazing add.
Good luck with your cycle and have fun.
2500 ng/dl is a lot and 40-50 E2 is up there. I would lower the test. For me to get to 2500 I would need 600mg test minimum. Acne happens with fluctuations of hormones. That’s why guys that PCT get acne and guys that on TRT tend to do better.
Looks like maybe I potentially was suffering from sides due to my e2. I’ll keep it lower my next run around and see what happens.

do you recommend staying in within reference range? I run a little high natty too. But I figured higher test should mean more estrogen.
Primo is great drug and my personal favorite,i have not been using tren over 2 years and i am stronger and bigger then 99% dudes on far as dosages goes i have been using from 400mg up to 1400mg per week... around 700-1000mg is where i see best results, anything over was just some cosmetic effect ...400mg is minimun for a blast or Let's say 100mg EOD...for a cruise even 100mg primo per week is amazing add.
Good luck with your cycle and have fun.
Have you checked lipids when on a test and primo cruise? I was cruisin on 300mgs of primo and 150mgs of test and my lipids are all jacked up. I am pretty sure is just some sides holding on from the tren cycle I did. I also ran var the last 6 weeks of that cycle.(I know not the best idea and it didn’t help my lipids)
Primo is great drug and my personal favorite,i have not been using tren over 2 years and i am stronger and bigger then 99% dudes on far as dosages goes i have been using from 400mg up to 1400mg per week... around 700-1000mg is where i see best results, anything over was just some cosmetic effect ...400mg is minimun for a blast or Let's say 100mg EOD...for a cruise even 100mg primo per week is amazing add.
Good luck with your cycle and have fun.
for how long would you run it on bulk/cut ?
My last blast was test @400, primo @750 along with var. I loved it so much it will also be my upcoming cycle. Like mentioned, it’s just so mild but by the end you’ll be like gawd damn. I was also using 4iu of gh so I’m sure that was significant in my over all appearance.
Have you checked lipids when on a test and primo cruise? I was cruisin on 300mgs of primo and 150mgs of test and my lipids are all jacked up. I am pretty sure is just some sides holding on from the tren cycle I did. I also ran var the last 6 weeks of that cycle.(I know not the best idea and it didn’t help my lipids)
Yes!! Based on my bloodwork i decide fow long to bulk and cruise.
Noo my lipids stay perfect but i do supplement year round good organ support,30-40min cardio every day i never eat junk, healthy and clean year round. Only orals mess up my lipids especially winnny so i never even use that drug.