Primo as an AI

51 year old male, 1st year of TRT, currently on 150mg of test e, 50mg m/w/f, 250iu of HCG m/w/f.

My e2 levels were over last blood test, probably due to the HCG, Ive added 0.5 adex 2-3 times a week and some Calcium D-Glucarate 1g ED and DIM-200 400mg ED, to try and control it, I've got another blood test in 3 weeks to see how its working
My question is I'm considering using Primo as an AI instead, but I'm not sure on the timing of the switch, I was thinking of adding the Primo and then dropping the dex and Calcium D-Glucarate, DIM-200 7-10days later, does anyone know if primo will take over in the 7-10 days or will if take longer? I'd hate to mistime it and end with high e2 again

P.S. for those who would question why I include HCG in my TRT and say I should simply let my balls go at my age, let me tell you, your never too old for ball size and functionality to be important to your overall health and wellbeing :)
did you consider using proviron