Primo as an AI

Who says having elevated e2 is a problem? Do you have gyno or other estrogen related symptoms. You’re adding testosterone so your estrogen is going up. I wouldn’t let a lab test direct me into lowering e2 with other meds. If you feel good and don’t have estrogen related symptoms, let it ride. E2 has many beneficial qualities including muscle growth.
I was definitely not feeling myself when my e2 is too high or too low, I am a high aromitiser, I'm still trying to find my sweet spot and from what I've read if you can use primo to find it, it's better than using adex etc
It’s called “aging”

Body is less sensitive to hormones when get older
Even if they were sensitive to hormones cells just can not regenerate as much as when people are younger. Chromosomes just aren't when they used to be wha a person in younger.
Who says having elevated e2 is a problem? Do you have gyno or other estrogen related symptoms. You’re adding testosterone so your estrogen is going up. I wouldn’t let a lab test direct me into lowering e2 with other meds. If you feel good and don’t have estrogen related symptoms, let it ride. E2 has many beneficial qualities including muscle growth.
Studies point to even high normal E2 levels increasing the risk of heart problems, liver as well as prostate given enough time. Just depends on ones comfort zone it seems as to what they are willing to live with.

51 year old male, 1st year of TRT, currently on 150mg of test e, 50mg m/w/f, 250iu of HCG m/w/f.

My e2 levels were over last blood test, probably due to the HCG, Ive added 0.5 adex 2-3 times a week and some Calcium D-Glucarate 1g ED and DIM-200 400mg ED, to try and control it, I've got another blood test in 3 weeks to see how its working
My question is I'm considering using Primo as an AI instead, but I'm not sure on the timing of the switch, I was thinking of adding the Primo and then dropping the dex and Calcium D-Glucarate, DIM-200 7-10days later, does anyone know if primo will take over in the 7-10 days or will if take longer? I'd hate to mistime it and end with high e2 again

P.S. for those who would question why I include HCG in my TRT and say I should simply let my balls go at my age, let me tell you, your never too old for ball size and functionality to be important to your overall health and wellbeing :)

From one old fart to another, try Masteron first around 50mg every 3 days. Ain't nothing wrong with a low nut sack pardner.
I ran 205 test e and primo 1:1 and crashed my e2. I used hcg to bring e2 back up. I am running it 500:200 and it seems to be the sweet spot. The only downside is primo is a thick oil and lump it leaves lasts awhile
I realize now after reading some other posts here that I injected shallow IM or even subq. So it’s not the labs fault, i screwed up
Do you load 2 different compounds in 1 syringe? For instance 100mgTest c (.05 ml) and 100ml primo (.05 ml) into the same syringe so that you only have to pin once? Or is best practice to pin each one separate?
I load a 3ml syringe with both compounds because I only want to pin once. Someone suggested that i load primo first because it’s thicker and test second. I can confirm that the slowest part is pushing the primo through and when it gets to the test, it goes much quicker
Do you load 2 different compounds in 1 syringe? For instance 100mgTest c (.05 ml) and 100ml primo (.05 ml) into the same syringe so that you only have to pin once? Or is best practice to pin each one separate?
Both in one is fine but make sure you shake it around until it’s clear and there are no crystals it may crash when it first mixes
Sounds good thanks for clarifying that. I wasn't sure if there would be a conflict in carrier oils or if it would crash.
shoot…I didn’t know that. Is there a way to tell if it crashed before you pin?

Mixing oils isn’t going to cause them to crash. That’s due to temperature changes or high concentrations of oil and/or the solubility of it. You can tell when your gear is crashed because it will look like crystals or rock candy are in the vial.

If it’s not crashed in the vial, it’s not going to crash in the syringe.
Mixing oils isn’t going to cause them to crash. That’s due to temperature changes or high concentrations of oil and/or the solubility of it. You can tell when your gear is crashed because it will look like crystals or rock candy are in the vial.

If it’s not crashed in the vial, it’s not going to crash in the syringe.
I mix a few oils together in the same syringe and they absolutely do crash when you mix them you can clearly see crystals. It’s no big deal just shake it around until it goes back to completely clear but when you mix multiple oils they definitely can temporarily crash
I mix a few oils together in the same syringe and they absolutely do crash when you mix them you can clearly see crystals. It’s no big deal just shake it around until it goes back to completely clear but when you mix multiple oils they definitely can temporarily crash

I have literally never seen this or even heard someone mention it. Not saying it can’t happen but IME you’re the minority with that. I wouldn’t tell someone it *does* happen but more like it CAN happen.

But the point remains. To the guy asking, if you see a clear rock in your gear, it’s crashed.
I mix a few oils together in the same syringe and they absolutely do crash when you mix them you can clearly see crystals. It’s no big deal just shake it around until it goes back to completely clear but when you mix multiple oils they definitely can temporarily crash
Goddamn, maybe change labs lol there is something wrong with your gear if it crashes because or mixing different compounds.

I have mixed most compounds like everyone here I even mixed vet grade boldenone and water based stanazolol and they never crashed, it got milky though.
I like to buy sterile empty vials, do a little math, add the different oils in the same vial so the mixture is what I want, then just draw from that 1 vial. A little more work up front but much easier every injection.