Primo causing painful pumps and intense itching?

...I laughed because someone asked what your sodium intake is and you answered "2 grams per meal."
That's an entire day's worth of sodium. Per meal. I find that hilarious.
2 grams of *salt in a day is extremely low for someone who is active. 12/day is on the high end. between 7-10 is average so unsure what you’re talking about or if you are really following the WHO recommendation believing that it factors in bodybuilding and is not meant for the average obese inactive american?
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2 grams of *salt in a day is extremely low for someone who is active. 12/day is on the high end. between 7-10 is average so unsure what you’re talking about or if you are really following the WHO recommendation believing that it factors in bodybuilding and is not meant for the average obese inactive american?
You do what you gotta do bud.
The spots you are itchy are where people commonly get acne. Since it stops when you sweat it could be something with the glands in your skin. Maybe they are irritated of hyper sensitive from the androgen load or maybe high e2? I would just watch it closely. I've experienced something like this before but no acne came of it.
I'm on week seven of my second cycle, 500 mg Test C and 200 mg Primo E per week, split twice a week. I've been having some very intense pumps, especially delts and lower back, to the point of having to stop my workout. Tried up to 6000 mg of taurine, no difference. Then a few weeks ago right when I begin to sweat I get a super intense itch, mostly focused on chest, back and face. It's to the point of being painful, however once actually sweating it stops and I do not experience it again.

I had bloodwork done, still waiting on a lot of my results, but the side effects I'm having typically point to high RBC and hematocrit and while they're elevated they don't seem to be as high as many people mention when they're having issues-

RBC- 5.74 M/uL
Hemoglobin- 17.6 g/dL
Hematocrit- 51.9%

I was thinking I'd go donate blood, I also ordered telmisartan in case I needed it, but now I'm wondering if something else is going on. I did change from Test E to C at the beginning of the cycle, but otherwise just added the Primo. At this point I'm tempted to drop the primo with it being the new variable but I figured I'd ask the pros since I'm still learning.
This is one thing I've never experienced in my lifetime of cycling gear. "Painful pumps". I remember things like walking in the parking lot and my calves would get so pumped that it was very difficult to walk.
I've experienced days where the pump was just insane and amazing. I've had days where the pump sucked so I'd call it quicks and come back the very next day. But NEVER have I ever experienced these painful pumps. Maybe I just interpret pain differently?
This is the exact issue I’m dealing with. I’m wondering if it could be an allergy to primo itself? I even donated blood and the next day still dealing with the issues. Have you ever figured it out?

Sorry for the slow reply from me, though looks like you got some input. I dropped the primo and reduced test to TRT levels, but it didn't get better. I had changed to a different supplier for my test when I started my blast, so figured maybe different oil was causing me issues? So changed to a different oil with no luck either. Allergy meds didn't resolve it either.

But as @gx52a suggested, I was on Accutane, in Sept I actually finished my treatment and have been off since then. The itching did continue for a few months after, I do still experience it on occasion, however it is significantly less frequent. I'm assuming that as my skin heals and goes back to normal the issue is resolving itself, however I'm not certain it isn't just that I'm in cold weather now so body isn't running as warm.

It's basically not possible to be "allergic" to Primo itself. Most allergies are to environmental proteins, and Primo is not a protein. Some people have drug hypersensitivity, but Primo is a small molecule drug and moreover it's very similar to DHT, so the odds that you have hypersensitivity to it are also very low.

It's possible you have an allergy or reaction to something in the oil, so you might consider trying a different source for the Primo or brewing it yourself. If you DIY, inject the sterile oil before you brew, so you know that it doesn't bother you.

Most likely, though, what you are experiencing is narrowing or blockage of your sweat ducts. I'm not aware that AAS will do this, but Accutane definitely will, and beta blockers (e.g. nebivolol) can as well. Are you using either of those?

You nailed it for me, I think. I hadn't seen this listed as a potential side effect for Accutane, but I am pretty sure in my case it was the cause rather than the primo or test I was using.
Sorry for the slow reply from me, though looks like you got some input. I dropped the primo and reduced test to TRT levels, but it didn't get better. I had changed to a different supplier for my test when I started my blast, so figured maybe different oil was causing me issues? So changed to a different oil with no luck either. Allergy meds didn't resolve it either.

But as @gx52a suggested, I was on Accutane, in Sept I actually finished my treatment and have been off since then. The itching did continue for a few months after, I do still experience it on occasion, however it is significantly less frequent. I'm assuming that as my skin heals and goes back to normal the issue is resolving itself, however I'm not certain it isn't just that I'm in cold weather now so body isn't running as warm.

You nailed it for me, I think. I hadn't seen this listed as a potential side effect for Accutane, but I am pretty sure in my case it was the cause rather than the primo or test I was using.
Interesting. “Prickly heat” which sounds most likely in my case and probably yours, is caused by narrow sweat ducts. I don’t take anything like accutane but I used to have this issue in puberty so maybe I’m just cursed to suffer while bodybuilding