Primo or Mast

Depends. Moody as in weepy sitting around watching The Notebook? Or moody as in your act like an asshole switch gets flipped real easy? The latter is a likely sign of low E2. Easily angered, angry for no reason.
Moody as in get teary reading bed time stories about unicorns to my little girl.

I'm never reactive, people could get hurt.
I love Primo. But getting the test to primo ratio correct is a work in progress. I crashed my E2 so now I’m hitting pause and will try again in a few weeks. My libido was also great until I increased beyond 300mg and hit 400 a week. In fact Primo put my libido in overdrive.
In these situations take dbol and hcg/test prop until you get it configured. Just take note of what ratios are too harsh and adjust pin by pin.

A nice little trick I like to do is lets say one pin of 60/60 test/primo e2 gets low, and you’re now leaning towards 60/40 test/primo, you could just take 60/20 the following pin to correct the previous pin and move forward from there.