Primo Pip

Prince Charming

New Member
Sup dudes just wondering how many of you have gotten pip from primo and what you did to manage. Started my second cycle of 500 test e and 300 primo e this Monday, injected into right ventro glute and limped for a solid 3 days. Pain was so bad I had to skip legs this week. Luckily it’s gone on right side but just did left today(Thursday) and not looking forward to looking like a cripple again the rest of the week.
For reference Im using 200mg/ml primo and am injecting in the same shot with the test(250mg/ml). Also I haven’t injected ventro glutes since my last blast so hopefully it gets better after a couple injections. Was only using 5/8s in needles for my cruise so I just stuck with quads and Delts for injection sites.
Quite normal to have pip at 200mg Primo. 175mg-150mg is usually the sweetspot for most.
Ofc also depends on the oils, solvents and all that. Seen plenty of 200mg Primos which contain solvents which can make a pip even worse
Feel you, I am using 100 mg/ml and it is weird regarding pip. My last week injection was 0 pip and the one I took yesterday is really annoying. So it is just not the Primo itself and it probably highly depends what area you hit and how you inject. My last was VG injection, a spot where I usually have less pip, but who knows, maybe I hit a bad spot or a kind of "new" area.
Add Test in the same syringe, it will help with the pip

Quite normal to have pip at 200mg Primo. 175mg-150mg is usually the sweetspot for most.
Ofc also depends on the oils, solvents and all that. Seen plenty of 200mg Primos which contain solvents which can make a pip even worse

he's doing that already

For reference Im using 200mg/ml primo and am injecting in the same shot with the test(250mg/ml). Also I haven’t injected ventro glutes since my last blast so hopefully it gets better after a couple injections. Was only using 5/8s in needles for my cruise so I just stuck with quads and Delts for injection sites.
QSC primo has been killing me. I put .6ML along with about .9ML of other oil(cyp and prop) in my left ventral glute a couple weeks back. PIP so bad I couldn’t put weight on my leg. Finally took dexamethasone to knock it down as sometimes it can linger for a week. I’ve had issues with that particular site in the past, so, I’ll no longer use it. Been fine in glutes, relatively ok in quads, as much as I try to avoid using them. Resorted to the use of a mug warmer, seems to have made something of a difference. I’d avoid that site for awhile. I think some QSC 200mg/ml batches are overdosed, which is likely the cause, Tracy denied the use of super solvents.
Already got it in left leg. Started to feel it at the end of my workout now I’m peg legging it around the house. Massaging and doing some slight stretches is helping though.
Feel you, I am using 100 mg/ml and it is weird regarding pip. My last week injection was 0 pip and the one I took yesterday is really annoying. So it is just not the Primo itself and it probably highly depends what area you hit and how you inject. My last was VG injection, a spot where I usually have less pip, but who knows, maybe I hit a bad spot or a kind of "new" area.
Yea I’m the opposite, VG has always been kinda an iffy spot for me especially when I first started TRT. I’m hoping it’s just where I started hitting it again after a break but jabbing quads next week which surprisingly has always been a pretty pain free spot for me.
QSC primo has been killing me. I put .6ML along with about .9ML of other oil(cyp and prop) in my left ventral glute a couple weeks back. PIP so bad I couldn’t put weight on my leg. Finally took dexamethasone to knock it down as sometimes it can linger for a week. I’ve had issues with that particular site in the past, so, I’ll no longer use it. Been fine in glutes, relatively ok in quads, as much as I try to avoid using them. Resorted to the use of a mug warmer, seems to have made something of a difference. I’d avoid that site for awhile. I think some QSC 200mg/ml batches are overdosed, which is likely the cause, Tracy denied the use of super solvents.
I understand the pain. Thought id be one of the lucky ones and not get any pip but here I am. That’s a good idea though I’m gonna try to warm it up a bit next time. I sourced it from GA but the bright side is I can be fairly certain I’ve gotten primo.
I understand the pain. Thought id be one of the lucky ones and not get any pip but here I am. That’s a good idea though I’m gonna try to warm it up a bit next time. I sourced it from GA but the bright side is I can be fairly certain I’ve gotten primo.
GA’s Primo is the worst for pip. I’ve got GA Primo 200, QSC 100 and 200, Stan’s 150, and HYB’s GSO Primo 200 and only GA gives me pip. I stopped using it last cycle and have been using QSC’s. Thought I’d try GA again 2 weeks ago VG. Big mistake. I’ve still got a knot there.