Primo vs EQ

What reduces YOUR e2 more?

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Sup fellas, just after a general consensus…

So I know this will be highly individual, but anyway for YOU which compound controls e2 better out of primo or EQ? Or would you say they are roughly equal in that regard?

Basically thinking of doing 1000/500/500 test/primo/EQ because I’m good at 1:1 of test and primo but the pip limits the primo to about 6-700 a week(even that is painful) and masteron does absolutely fuck all for me.

Thoughts and opinions welcomed !
I only ran EQ for just shy of a month before stopping it because of weird anxiety side effects, but it barely touched my e2. Primo nukes mine, I'm running real low e2 at 19 on 400:300 test: primo.
Equipoise, but I'm biased cuz I'm a fan of it. It treats me so well, I get crazy veins on my arms, horse like stamina and it gives me weird and amazing sex drive. No it's not tren, it's how EQ works for me. Instead of anxiety I get more aggression which I don't necessarily enjoy, instead of appetite increase I get to eat a bit more calories cuz it boosts my metabolism and I can cut more easily while retaining more strength. This and anavar is my favourite summer steroids for the looks and all things.

P.S. I have tried many labs, I can smell eq from a mile away. Horses ftw.
Never tried primo and never will.
EQ wrecks my estogen but d bol saves me always.
Stay hair safe guys :-D
Eq lowers my e2 much more than primo
Running 1:1 test and primo my e2 stays around 40
Running 1:1 test and eq my e2 was 13 and horrible joint pain
Planning on either Test, EQ, NPP or Test, Primo, EQ for next blast (NPP may have caused some mental issues have to trial again), If I need to run Test: Primo around 1.5:1 Ratio and added in some EQ, I assume I’d want to start at least 2:1 Test:EQ and taper everything up slowly? And for those who notice an impact on their E2, how long does it take, given that the half life is so long
Planning on either Test, EQ, NPP or Test, Primo, EQ for next blast (NPP may have caused some mental issues have to trial again), If I need to run Test: Primo around 1.5:1 Ratio and added in some EQ, I assume I’d want to start at least 2:1 Test:EQ and taper everything up slowly? And for those who notice an impact on their E2, how long does it take, given that the half life is so long
my joints started hurting after a couple weeks of eq i got labs after a month and e2 went from 40 to 13 by then
Far bigger fan of primo, but both are on down the list. But that’s not entirely fair to EQ. It takes forever to really get going, so half the time you’re on it you’re not on much. Also any time I take it, I’m taking way more powerful stuff so of course I’m not going to notice much.

I’ll admit that’s not really giving it a fair shake. While I still feel it’s underwhelming, I’m sure it’s a useful tool in the toolbox for…well, something I’m sure.
And for those who notice an impact on their E2, how long does it take, given that the half life is so long

Man, if you ever find some info on this pls hit me up or tag me if you remember because i want to know too. Iirc vigorous said the e2 effects start within the first week, like what's happening with primo which is enanthate. Also one thing i'm curious to know is if the e2 reduction (assuming you get it in the first place) keeps going after you discontinue the EQ given the long ester.
Planning on either Test, EQ, NPP or Test, Primo, EQ for next blast (NPP may have caused some mental issues have to trial again), If I need to run Test: Primo around 1.5:1 Ratio and added in some EQ, I assume I’d want to start at least 2:1 Test:EQ and taper everything up slowly? And for those who notice an impact on their E2, how long does it take, given that the half life is so long
I kind of like the test primo eq idea personally, just because of the mental sides with deca/npp

I'm starting my bulk with:
500-750 test
1g eq
6iu gh
And might even add some low dose primo (100-200/week) just for e2 control
I kind of like the test primo eq idea personally, just because of the mental sides with deca/npp

You've had some or talking about potential sides? If you used, at which dose? Honestly, if i can handle 150-200 npp side free it will be enough for me, then i could push test higher if i need to. JI want nandrolone just for the extra anabolic pathway and my rusty joints alongside test-eq.

Test eq primo would bury my e2. If you don't get much suppression it will be a great cycle to run.
You've had some or talking about potential sides? If you used, at which dose? Honestly, if i can handle 150-200 npp side free it will be enough for me, then i could push test higher if i need to. JI want nandrolone just for the extra anabolic pathway and my rusty joints alongside test-eq.

Test eq primo would bury my e2. If you don't get much suppression it will be a great cycle to run.
Just speaking off anecdotal reports.

Haven't used deca in years. I hate the water retention and emotional numbing. Rather just use test as the primary growth driver if I'm going to add some water, plus test makes you feel way better.

But yeah if you can run deca/npp with minimal/no sides then go for it.

I aromatise heavily so I'm not too worried about burying the e2, at worst I'll drop the low dose primo and I'll be fine

I'll probably have to make some adjustments to the stack to get the gear/diet dialed in. Just coming off a cut, dropping the tren, so I need to get my base metabolic rate re-established once the tren clears, will probably start at 500 test then taper to 750 later in the cycle
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Just speaking off anecdotal reports.

Haven't used deca in years. I hate the water retention and emotional numbing. Rather just use test as the primary growth driver if I'm going to add some water, plus test makes you feel way better.

But yeah if you can run deca/npp with minimal/no sides then go for it.

I aromatise heavily so I'm not too worried about burying the e2, at worst I'll drop the low dose primo and I'll be fine

I'll probably have to make some adjustments to the stack to get the gear/diet dialed in. Just coming off a cut, dropping the tren, so I need to get my base metabolic rate re-established once the tren clears, will probably start at 500 test then taper to 750 later in the cycle
I recently tried only 140mg npp and i stopped caring about anything. No emotional connection to my girlfriend which obviously didn’t go over well. Dropped it and a few days later was feeling more like a human
I recently tried only 140mg npp and i stopped caring about anything. No emotional connection to my girlfriend which obviously didn’t go over well. Dropped it and a few days later was feeling more like a human
Yeah I remember everything feeling "grey" wasn't depressed or sad, but relationships, training, even hobbies just felt "meh". Took the excitement and enjoyment out of everything. I had a short stint with it and that was enough. Haven't touched it since, and don't plan to
Just for the record, people do not dose EQ high enough. It's something like 60% ester.

When dosed correctly it stands on its own, Primo does not compare if we are discussing growth potential (fully aware that's not the question in the OP).

With Primo, if I let my E2 drop too low, I feel all the symptoms of crashing E2 with an AI.

With EQ, yes it drops my E2 but it's not the same feeling as long as I have a decent dose of testosterone in my system. Between the Testosterone entering, processing to some E2 and then being reduced from EQ I seem to get just enough E2 to the right places as it comes and goes. Thus, the low E2 readings on labs don't actually reflect the same low E2 environment and side effects that Primo or AI's create in my experience.

All that to say, I believe EQ is superior for E2 control (if it has this effect for you), while also contributing more to growth.

I will only use Primo now, similar to @Sector mentioned, very low dose 100-200mg and only if I try to push my Testosterone very high and for whatever reason EQ doesn't control the E2.

The addition of Tren could also justify a low dose of Primo, as it seems to make me very estrogen sensitive.

Edit - Re reading this, I suppose black and white, Primo is stronger at reducing E2 for me. I still rate EQ as the better option for the above reasons though.
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