Primo vs EQ

What reduces YOUR e2 more?

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Primo hands down.

Which other anabolic can you run at a g with minimal to no sides?

Also, much better at controlling E2.

Also not a horse. Great compound
Yeah I remember everything feeling "grey" wasn't depressed or sad, but relationships, training, even hobbies just felt "meh". Took the excitement and enjoyment out of everything. I had a short stint with it and that was enough. Haven't touched it since, and don't plan to
anhedonia. Nandrolone can disrupt monoamine receptors/reuptake
EQ does not reduce my e2 at all.
Primo at my current dose of 80mg a day has roughly the same effect as 7.25mg of aromasin twice a week based on my bloodwork
to be fair its kind of an apples-to-oranges comparison

primo directly reduces E2
Eq converts to E1 (a weaker estrogen) which clogs estrogen receptors, making it harder for E2 to bind
Primo hands down.

Which other anabolic can you run at a g with minimal to no sides?

I wonder why still to these days that many pros are running EQ instead of primo. I literally heard Stefan Kienzl (the boss of outlaw coach) the other day in a podcast saying besides test which is used as a base his favourite secondary anabolic is EQ, followed by nandrolone and last on the list, primo. And he's not the only, i've heard numerous guys running test eq, more than i thought actually either bulking or contest prep.
I wonder why still to these days that many pros are running EQ instead of primo. I literally heard Stefan Kienzl (the boss of outlaw coach) the other day in a podcast saying besides test which is used as a base his favourite secondary anabolic is EQ, followed by nandrolone and last on the list, primo. And he's not the only, i've heard numerous guys running test eq, more than i thought actually either bulking or contest prep.
One reason is EQ is much cheaper, and comes in 300mg/ml concentration so its easier to get a high dose with less oil.
One reason is EQ is much cheaper, and comes in 300mg/ml concentration so its easier to get a high dose with less oil.

Well, pinning volume can be an issue yeah, i think EQ can go up to 500mg/ml without super solvents but money wise? I'm not buying it, these guys spend a fortune on diet, coaches and gear, i don't think 1K a year difference is the reason they don't use primo.
Well, pinning volume can be an issue yeah, i think EQ can go up to 500mg/ml without super solvents but money wise? I'm not buying it, these guys spend a fortune on diet, coaches and gear, i don't think 1K a year difference is the reason they don't use primo.
I agree
Just the amount these guys spend on growth I highly doubt they are making a decision based on saving a couple dollars. They are going to use what their coaches recommend and what works best for them.

One thing to remember is that in the forum/Youtube culture everything is cyclical to an extent
With all the hype sometimes it’s Primo, sometimes it’s Mast…etc…just go down the list. It changes
Just because an anabolic costs more does not mean necessarily that it works better. It’s just more expensive to produce and more demand.
Test works the best and it’s the cheapest
Sup fellas, just after a general consensus…

So I know this will be highly individual, but anyway for YOU which compound controls e2 better out of primo or EQ? Or would you say they are roughly equal in that regard?

Basically thinking of doing 1000/500/500 test/primo/EQ because I’m good at 1:1 of test and primo but the pip limits the primo to about 6-700 a week(even that is painful) and masteron does absolutely fuck all for me.

Thoughts and opinions welcomed !
EQ nukes my E2 dont even need an ai
Just for the record, people do not dose EQ high enough. It's something like 60% ester.

When dosed correctly it stands on its own, Primo does not compare if we are discussing growth potential (fully aware that's not the question in the OP).

With Primo, if I let my E2 drop too low, I feel all the symptoms of crashing E2 with an AI.

With EQ, yes it drops my E2 but it's not the same feeling as long as I have a decent dose of testosterone in my system. Between the Testosterone entering, processing to some E2 and then being reduced from EQ I seem to get just enough E2 to the right places as it comes and goes. Thus, the low E2 readings on labs don't actually reflect the same low E2 environment and side effects that Primo or AI's create in my experience.

All that to say, I believe EQ is superior for E2 control (if it has this effect for you), while also contributing more to growth.

I will only use Primo now, similar to @Sector mentioned, very low dose 100-200mg and only if I try to push my Testosterone very high and for whatever reason EQ doesn't control the E2.

The addition of Tren could also justify a low dose of Primo, as it seems to make me very estrogen sensitive.

Edit - Re reading this, I suppose black and white, Primo is stronger at reducing E2 for me. I still rate EQ as the better option for the above reasons though.
Just curious what ratio you run test to eq?
EQ does not reduce my e2 at all.
Primo at my current dose of 80mg a day has roughly the same effect as 7.25mg of aromasin twice a week based on my bloodwork
I thought you were non responder to both like me. They both have very minimal effect on my e2. I get better control (not reduction of course) from anavar. I guess where we are similar is that we still need AI regardless of what we use.
I thought you were non responder to both like me. They both have very minimal effect on my e2. I get better control (not reduction of course) from anavar. I guess where we are similar is that we still need AI regardless of what we use.
I had thought for a while that mast and primo had no effect on my e2 because at the time I had checked my bloodwork in that regard I just wasn't taking enough to notice the effect and I had found out after the fact that the aromasin I was using at the time was heavily under dosed.

Now with 875 test / 560 primo I do see that I need significantly less AI than I normally would, but it is not enough to eliminate and AI entirely for me.
I had thought for a while that mast and primo had no effect on my e2 because at the time I had checked my bloodwork in that regard I just wasn't taking enough to notice the effect and I had found out after the fact that the aromasin I was using at the time was heavily under dosed.

Now with 875 test / 560 primo I do see that I need significantly less AI than I normally would, but it is not enough to eliminate and AI entirely for me.
Masteron effects your e2? I have blood work coming up, and I swear I'm experiencing low e2 symptoms but I'm only on test and mast. But I've always read that masteron doesn't actively lower e2.
Masteron effects your e2? I have blood work coming up, and I swear I'm experiencing low e2 symptoms but I'm only on test and mast. But I've always read that masteron doesn't actively lower e2.
I was generalizing when I mentioned Masteron, since it is often discussed in the same breath as primo

I have never experienced low e sides or seen any bloodwork from myself, or others, showing meaningfully suppressed e2 from masteron
I was generalizing when I mentioned Masteron, since it is often discussed in the same breath as primo

I have never experienced low e sides or seen any bloodwork from myself, or others, showing meaningfully suppressed e2 from masteron
That was my assumption, but better to ask if there is any anecdotal experience. Getting blood work regardless.
I am on a gram of primo now for almost 7 weeks and definitely feel underwhelmed. First time running it. To be fair I usually run EQ in the 12-1500 range the past couple off seasons. I got my hands on a good amount of primo so I thought I would give it a try.

I feel much stronger on EQ with a fuller look. On primo I have a look to my physique similar to when you start prep, a bit more polished. Considering I'm the heaviest I have been, thats not a bad thing. However in the off season I am focused on pushing weight up and progressing in my lifts and in those terms it has been lacklustre for me.
I was generalizing when I mentioned Masteron, since it is often discussed in the same breath as primo

I have never experienced low e sides or seen any bloodwork from myself, or others, showing meaningfully suppressed e2 from masteron
Have never seen e2 suppressed from masteron as well. I’ve seen primo lower my e2 on my own bloodwork and am curious if eq will do the same for me which I’ll find out some time next year
I am on a gram of primo now for almost 7 weeks and definitely feel underwhelmed. First time running it. To be fair I usually run EQ in the 12-1500 range the past couple off seasons. I got my hands on a good amount of primo so I thought I would give it a try.

I feel much stronger on EQ with a fuller look. On primo I have a look to my physique similar to when you start prep, a bit more polished. Considering I'm the heaviest I have been, thats not a bad thing. However in the off season I am focused on pushing weight up and progressing in my lifts and in those terms it has been lacklustre for me.
Do you find you hold more water on EQ? As in, does scale weight go up when you put EQ in or are you always putting it in and taking it out at the same time as test?
Do you find you hold more water on EQ? As in, does scale weight go up when you put EQ in or are you always putting it in and taking it out at the same time as test?

I usually ramp up test before adding EQ. I do hold a bit more water on EQ the same way as when I add or bump up GH. I stay sub 12% BF even at the my worst off season look so most of that water ends up IM.

With primo my muscles are less round compared to if I were on EQ. I would imagine this being due to less IM water weight. Test at 1250, GH is 8iu and insulin is fairly high so the other variables are the same.
Have never seen e2 suppressed from masteron as well. I’ve seen primo lower my e2 on my own bloodwork and am curious if eq will do the same for me which I’ll find out some time next year
Ive only used EQ once, and was only moderately dosed, so I don't have a ton of experience with it, but I really enjoyed it, and I didn't see any antiestrogenic effect on my bloods at all.