EQ vs. Primo or Mast for More mg’s/ E2 Control?

Other than the price per mg difference, why choose Primo or Mast over EQ to increase mg’s with some estrogen control benefits?

I’ve seen some information on the possible kidney stress from Eq but from what I’ve heard, those studies are pretty limited and maybe not super strong yet. And then there is the issue of increased red blood cells, hematocrit and impacting lipid profiles but is that any worse than what primo does? And with the right ancillaries can’t you avoid those issues?

Personally I’ve only ran 3 cycles in my life, all over 10 years ago when I was competing in powerlifting. I remember feeling great on eq not that that means anything. Now that I’m thinking of cycling again I’m curious about eq starting with lower doses at 300mg to go along with test base. Also, how does it do with managing estrogen compared to primo or mast? How does the ratio of it to test compare to primo or mast for that effect?

Would love to hear your experience/ blood work comparisons on the diff. Compounds or if your aware of any credible studies on this topic.

thank you.

The issue with using DHT's for estrogen controll is that your blood work wont reflect your total estrogen signaling. DHT's have various and as of yet rather poorly defined interactions with the whole estrogen signaling pathway, for lack of a better term. What I'm saying is that they should be viewed as functional estrogen antagonists (not just arometase antagonist's) and all of this is ofc tissue specific.

The issue that might arise is a dichotomy between your subjective experience of estrogen signaling and what your peripheral blood estrogen levels would seem to indicate, ie. you might experience low estrogen sides but your blood work shows normal e2 levels.

If you haven't cycled for as long as 10 years there really is no need to use multiple compounds. The notion of using DHT's to control estrogen is forum bro lore, bro's trying to look smart while doing something stupid (which is the use of aas). Just use test and an Ai. The less aas in you the better. All aas have various effects on your endocrine system, they have various effects on inhibiting or inducing certain enzymes, they have various effects on your HPA axis, various gene promoting effects, etc. not to mention epigenetics ...
Thanks for that man. Do you guys ever run primo in esters higher than 100mg? Seems like a lot of oil to get into higher doses.
I will only run 200mg/ml. It can have some bite depending on the brewer. I’ve been exclusively using QSC 200. It can be a little pippy from time to time but I just warm it on the stove before I inject and I can use 2cc at a time with no issues. I’ve gone as high as 1000/week but it’s a LOT of oil bc I also have to run test at a minimum of 1:1
Well right now I am on 300 test + 300 primo and 3x500iu HCG per week.
I use 1x 12.5mg aromasin per week - maybe could go even without I will see on next bloodwork. Primo definitely lowering E2 nicely but not as hard as EQ.

About which cycle was favourite I cannot really say because everytime I run mast test I also run tren - it was my cutting cycle - test mast tren and it is my favourit one obviously. Overall I think masteron is just my favourite compound but I never run it alone with test.

Primo and test for nice lean gains and avoid using AI and it feels great. I am using it as mild cycle now for my rebound phase.

EQ as I said I would never run again because it crashes my estrogen and I cannot function properly.
Thanks that clears it up a bit. I’m leaning towards starting with just upping my test to a point I can tolerate without over using AI’s and then experimenting with primo first before the others.
Thanks that clears it up a bit. I’m leaning towards starting with just upping my test to a point I can tolerate without over using AI’s and then experimenting with primo first before the others.
Primo is the likely answer here. It will basically make any amount of testosterone tolerable if you are E2 or gyno sensitive

I did sort of what you want to do. I started using Primo. Over time, I even started using less primo and it still worked perfectly, leading me to think maybe, I possibly corrected or reprogrammed whatever issue I had with E2 sensitivity. Because lately I am experimenting with 1g testosterone and only 200-400mg primo, and I feel great. Normally I'd start to get these phantom feelings in my chest and feel like some sort of gyno would start brewing, but I don't have that at all anymore. But earlier when I did have these feelings, I took an extra dose of primo and I also took some arimidex (once I got stabilized on primo for awhile, I didn't have those chest feelings ever, except twice when I took Anadrol, but it was nothing). I would still have arimidex on hand because while primo really seems to work well, it's not 100% perfect. My face gets a little bloat sometimes and primo won't do anything for that. Only arimidex. I don't have any answer for why that is.

But if you want to basically entirely forget you have any estrogen sensitivity at all and you just move on with your life, then taking primo with test is basically your answer.
Primo is the likely answer here. It will basically make any amount of testosterone tolerable if you are E2 or gyno sensitive

I did sort of what you want to do. I started using Primo. Over time, I even started using less primo and it still worked perfectly, leading me to think maybe, I possibly corrected or reprogrammed whatever issue I had with E2 sensitivity. Because lately I am experimenting with 1g testosterone and only 200-400mg primo, and I feel great. Normally I'd start to get these phantom feelings in my chest and feel like some sort of gyno would start brewing, but I don't have that at all anymore. But earlier when I did have these feelings, I took an extra dose of primo and I also took some arimidex (once I got stabilized on primo for awhile, I didn't have those chest feelings ever, except twice when I took Anadrol, but it was nothing). I would still have arimidex on hand because while primo really seems to work well, it's not 100% perfect. My face gets a little bloat sometimes and primo won't do anything for that. Only arimidex. I don't have any answer for why that is.

But if you want to basically entirely forget you have any estrogen sensitivity at all and you just move on with your life, then taking primo with test is basically your answer.
Dude this is awesome. Thank you
Definitely sounds like the “safest” compound to experiment with first. Obviously aas aren’t safe but I’m starting to think that throwing a little extra primo in once and and awhile will solve most of life’s problems lol.
Dude this is awesome. Thank you
Definitely sounds like the “safest” compound to experiment with first. Obviously aas aren’t safe but I’m starting to think that throwing a little extra primo in once and and awhile will solve most of life’s problems lol.
Don't underestimate primo's side effects, though. It destroys my lipids at 100-200mgs. I haven't ran EQ before so I can't say if it's better or worse in that respect.
Dude this is awesome. Thank you
Definitely sounds like the “safest” compound to experiment with first. Obviously aas aren’t safe but I’m starting to think that throwing a little extra primo in once and and awhile will solve most of life’s problems lol.
I didn't say it was safe. Primo's safety reputation is kind of an urban legend or a meme. Primo is weak in terms of building muscle and it's kind of mild overall, but I wouldn't underestimate it.
Primo gives me crazy high blood pressure, and I need to take Telmisartan and Nebivolol as a result. Primo does this to a lot of people, so beware. I also find Primo to be inflammatory and it causes some wild PIP, so you will be under stress from that possibly.

Primo will solve gyno problems and a lot of estrogen problems (not all), but you can also use other substances for that. It's not magical. It's more of a money thing. If you want to spend the money, it's a more expensive way to accomplish these goals, but it works well.
I didn't say it was safe. Primo's safety reputation is kind of an urban legend or a meme. Primo is weak in terms of building muscle and it's kind of mild overall, but I wouldn't underestimate it.
Primo gives me crazy high blood pressure, and I need to take Telmisartan and Nebivolol as a result. Primo does this to a lot of people, so beware. I also find Primo to be inflammatory and it causes some wild PIP, so you will be under stress from that possibly.

Primo will solve gyno problems and a lot of estrogen problems (not all), but you can also use other substances for that. It's not magical. It's more of a money thing. If you want to spend the money, it's a more expensive way to accomplish these goals, but it works well.
Noted. I’m stocked up in telmisartan and nebivolol for this reason. I wonder if primo impacts crp?