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Would 3000 mg of test give more growth than 1000 mg? Why not do that instead of deca then?Don't you think that 1000 test & 800 deca will give much more growth than 150 test & 800 deca?
Reason why I even choose deca to start with, is to keep my test dose lower. I'm prone to hair loss and get anxiety and a bit of acne when I go over 500 mg of test.
Deca's neuro/cardio toxicity comes from the low E2 levels because in most studies it's taken by itself. Now, to manage that E2 I'd just go Deca only and add HCG/HMG or DHEA on top, or even exogenous estrogen. It would be way easier to find the dose and stay on it for half a year, rather than have 16 weeks full of estrogen/prolactin roller coaster, getting a ton of aromatization and slamming AIs.
My principle of choosing compounds is using Pharma-grade only, minimum effective dose, lowest side effect profile. And not "pharmaceutical" labeled from China, but literally something that I will personally buy from a pharmacy.
If you do choose the kitchen sink route then go ahead and throw in more gear that you'll have to take more drugs to suppress side effects of, then you do you.
I personally am not preparing for any show any time soon but am trying to maximize gains while keeping the side effect profile low.