So your stock on hand has been sanitized in another lab so we just take your word on it that it is all sterile "Our vials and stoppers have been thoroughly sanitized" by a clave we can't see,
And you say your assumption is that you "wouldn't be getting orders until I post pics of our new setup anyway"
So what exactly is the plan?
No sales until you post the new set up -- meaning you aren't in fact ready
Or sell current inventory (without posting pictures) build up enough sales and then buy a setup of your own and post pictures.
I'm very confused by your plan here or what exactly you are doing.
Is any of that wrong or do I understand correctly?
Not exactly. All of the supplies we need for the new setup have already been purchased, we're just waiting on delivery. We've found a new place to brew, and we've also got a large raw order on the way. Between those, we've spent a lot of our capital.
I've seen a lot of labs around here start getting orders with a lot less of an intro. In fact, I think I can count on one hand the intros that I've seen who have actually posted pictures of their entire lab setup. The picture we're missing is of the dry heat sterilizer we use, which is basically just an oven anyway. So, I guess what I should have said earlier, was that while we assume orders are gonna be slow to none to start, we do hope to get a few orders from some of the more trusting individuals around here and get the ball rolling. We're only comfortable with that because we know that our product is safe and effective. I just pinned some of the test from the newest batch a couple of hours ago, and I'd be pretty stupid to do that if I'm brewing dirty gear.