Privatemdlabs takes 10-14 days for results?


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10+ Year Member
Last time I got blood work done with them was a few years ago, been using direct labs but privatemdlabs was going to be cheaper this time around.

Normally get my results next day, it's been a couple days so I emailed them and they said it takes 10-14 days and sure enough I went back and checked the requisition stuff and it said the same. I got the male hormone panel with lipids.

Does it really take that long? Kind of inconvenient to say the least
Last time I got blood work done with them was a few years ago, been using direct labs but privatemdlabs was going to be cheaper this time around.

Normally get my results next day, it's been a couple days so I emailed them and they said it takes 10-14 days and sure enough I went back and checked the requisition stuff and it said the same. I got the male hormone panel with lipids.

Does it really take that long? Kind of inconvenient to say the least
I've never used them for a lipid panel, but the basic hormone panel usually only takes three days for me.

Maybe lipids takes longer? I just see my normal doctor for lipids, so idk..

More than likely they just say 10-14 to cover their ass. I'll check some of my old req's and see if they say the same.
I always get mine the next day but I've never gotten that test. Maybe since that one is more extensive it takes longer
I have gotten test results from Private MD Labs in 3~5 days for a similar test.
I have received results the next day.
Other times it took nearly 2 weeks.
Most of the time it has been about 2 days T/A