Pro Bodybuilder Greg Kovacs Dead at 44

He lived about an hour away from me and is the 3 rd person i know that has had a heartache at a young age Another played hockey 21 years old skated out 20 feet onto ice and dropped dead worked out daily .The other was i friend of mine since kindergarten Named Shawn Tompkins he was 35 when he trained some people for there fight went to bed feeling fine and died in his sleep had a massive heartache was considered extremely healthy trained daily also ..My point is you just never F````in know when it will happen and you could think your healthy as you can be ..Why no matter what age everyone,, should keep up on there check up`s and get there EKGs (electrocardiograms).
Exercise treadmill tests, also called stress tests or exercise EKGs.
Echos (echocardiograms).
Coronary calcium scans.
yes you never know is know that show that greg one his pro card he was actually looking promising,he blew away the line up.