Problem with research chems?


New Member
I used research chems for my last pct. I ran clomid and nolvadex. 75/50/50/50 and 40/40/20/20. I had blood work after pct and Everything worked out fine. I was planning on doing the same for my next cycle and adding arimidex during. I've read a few things about not trusting research chems and that you don't know what you're getting. Any of my Meso brothers have any insight on this? Thanks
What do you want to know? "Research" companies get their goodies from China often from the same sources that supply raw anabolicos. Only issue is if you're getting purity and the correct weight. Given how cheap they are and the profit margins they should slightly overdosed. Shop around stay away from RUI/Lion unless your wallet wants a good raping.
What do you want to know? "Research" companies get their goodies from China often from the same sources that supply raw anabolicos. Only issue is if you're getting purity and the correct weight. Given how cheap they are and the profit margins they should slightly overdosed. Shop around stay away from RUI/Lion unless your wallet wants a good raping.
Thanks I was going to go with Cem-Meso or AR-R
Forgot to add clomid and tamoxifen are so cheap that you shouldn't have a problem finding legit stuff from RCs. If you wanna be sure get blood work done.
Pharm grade is always best and some members have had hit and miss experience with rcs, but I've been considering it myself. The only way to really know is to try it
RC's aren't much different than getting supps at your local supp shop. You never know what the fuck is in it. However, some RC's have been more consistent than others but all have proven to have bunk shit from time to time. Compare it to NAPS Geneza, Hit and fucking miss.