Problems to get an orgasm while on a ssri, solutions?

Ehy guys i'm taking 40mg of paroxetine Daily and for me it has become very difficult to reach the orgasm, solutions? A lot of people advice to take Cialis or derivates which Say It helps, Is that true? Someone Who tried?
Ehy guys i'm taking 40mg of paroxetine Daily and for me it has become very difficult to reach the orgasm, solutions? A lot of people advice to take Cialis or derivates which Say It helps, Is that true? Someone Who tried?
Yeah, No solutions except changing the medication. Paxil is sometimes even used to treat premature ejaculation as it delays orgasm. Means the meds are working!
Not for my illness
What do you take it for if I may ask?

This was an interesting read:

Best wishes.
What do you take it for if I may ask?

This was an interesting read:

Best wishes.
I tell you in private Bro
In case it helps someone there is also sertaline and escitalopram that may be easier on the anorgasmia. Ask your Doc.

Although it is the indivual response that matters, see table I. Escitalopram near the top for front line use.
Amantadine and dopamine agonists are meant to help. Yohimbine, too, but idk how much. Pt141 is an obvious choice.

Pde5is can help because a more engorged dick has more sensitivity.

If I was you I’d try pde5is first. Then add pt141 if you’re not happy with the results of the pde5is alone. If you’re still not happy, caber/prami and yohimbine are what I’d try

Ofc this is all assuming there’s no psychological cause, or something that is otherwise easily fixed.

Make sure your prolactin and thyroid are good. Along with T and E2
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PT-141 restores the brain-->dick connection.

Cialis has nothing to do with sensitivity, it and Viagra only work on the plumbing. Your problem is psychogenic, and PT-141 is the nuclear weapon of getting psychogenic sexual dysfunction out of the way.
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Sure It works 100%?

It's so effective they prescribe it off label to men with spinal cord injuries to regain enough penis sensation to successfully father children.

It's FDA approved to help women with ugly husbands get turned on again:
